Repeated dreams of my deceased husband leaving me for another woman.
Repeat dreams (different but same subject) of an ex friend who I fell out with and of whom I am not keen on ( due to him having a toxic effect on my life). The Basis of the dream is that we are both with mutual friends and we half heartily make up being conservatively social to one another. This dream in it self is nothing note worthy, however seems meaningful. Before I had no intention of reuniting with this ex-frenemy ( An enemy disguised as a friend); however, since these repeated dreams I have been left a tad confused.
Repeated dreams of love one that have they are still living
I have repeated dreams that i am caught in a storm like a hurricane or tornado and i am on the verge of hanging on for dear life.
Repeated dreams of being cheated on
Repeated dreams
Repeated dreams
Repeated dreams about looking at a different homes, moving
Repeated dreams of my boss
Repeated dreams but slighty different each time