Understand My Dreams

Dreams with him

I was in a mall with my boyfriend . i saw one of my old friends and he told me to come with him and i said okay. my boyfriend said do not do it but i did it. we entered an elevator and there was a girl in who he knew. he then pressed a button and the elevator started to jumble around. the girl then stood in a corner and the guy blocking her. he then said to put my arms around them both as it will help. the elevator then stopped. he made it move again and i hated it and started crying. i tried to get away but he kept restraining me. i said i would do anything then he said i must make out with him. i thought of my boyfriend but i had to do it to leave. i did it and then he unzipped his pants and forced me to do a sexual act. i started crying and getting desperate. the door opened. i went out and he caught my foot. i got free. my feet were bare and i was bloodied. i limped down a hall crying

I dreamed I was in a auditorium surrounded by my peers. We were being taught how to play a few songs by a man i don't recognize. My teacher tells me to come with him. As I walk towards him a key from my saxophone falls off, and I pick it up. Soon were outside of a place that looks familiar. It look like a college campus. I look up and I see the man I've loved for three years. I walk past him away from him. I felt butterflies in my belly but I also felt sad. My current teacher walked up to the love of my life, and former student and said hi to him. They both started talking, they both seemed happy to see each other.

Me and the guy ive been dating for a little under 3months were hanging out. We stopped by his place and he's doing what he's doing im looking around and i see loads of pictures of him n the same girl. Family pictures. Then the girl from the pictures using a key walks through the door. She calls for the guy and sets to make ouy with him but he stops it and asks what shes doing. He grabs his stuff and leads me back to the car, in silence. We don't say a word to each for thw rest of the journey

On 01 25 2017 coming out of minor surgery I heard the Spirit of GOD say to me" Steven is yours" pause then "month end" Steven and I had decided to go separate ways, we would see each other in the local stores, speak keep going, Finally Steven called me end of December 2017 and wanted to go to dinner, we have been seeing each off an on , I think I'm in love with him, he is not there yet, Monday this week, I dreamed of a naked man in back of me, then i saw this man all in my face more of my nose, like he was trying to put something in my nose, then this man an d I were together ,this time it was Steven, there was so much love between us then this lady ask me are you #1 , she then said Maxine told me

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