Understand My Dreams

Dreams weed

My morning cough medicine induced Dream. I am off to go and buy something, i can not remember what, and Jerry asks me to return a microwave to Family Dollar. it right down the street so I say yes. I walk in to the Family Dollar and they are happy to take it back but they are out of cash and need the receipt. I reach in my pocket and pull out a ton of receipts but can't find the one I need. i reach back in my pocket and finally find it. the chatty salesgirl is processing the order and i am looking around the store. someone drops all of this money and i start picking it up for them but there is more and more money. i finally get it all and they leave but i end up with a dollar. the sales girl finally finishes the return and i am off as a different sales lady with big blonde hair and tight white pants is carrying the microwave to a storage shed behind the store and yelling something to me about the water hose. I am off on my errand to purchase what I can't remember and on the way back pass a small house where Karen Etter lives and I yell hello to her on the way past and she yells hello back. then suddenly I am walking through these very elaborate hallway following a guy and 2 girls. We suddenly come upon a large swimming pool where there is a Drag Aquacade going on with tons of drag queens in big hair and sequin bathing suits swimming and lip sinking in the pool. the show is being hosted by David Angerer who has his hair back and is sitting in a large green life guard chair i try to get his attention but he is to busy being fabulous. I continue through the crowd and back into the hallways following the guy and 2 girls we come to spot where we can go either right or left the cute guy goes left and I the girls go right I of course choose to follow the cute guy duh! we pass these doors looking into a ballroom decorated sumptuously with small fire pit centerpieces. I look down and I am now carrying my purchase and a couple of professional cameras. i finally get to the lobby where is see Chuck Scalise dressed n an elaborate Cheshire Cat costume and Brandon Schwabenbauer dressed in and elaborate Tweedledum costume they both have handsome escorts similarly dressed and tell me they are going to a ball. I tell them I saw the room and it looks amazing. I continue out of the hotel and walk to where I am staying and it's the Belagio I enter the hotel and make my way to the elevators, None of this looks like the real Belagio as I have only been there once. i get to the elevators and there are only 2. I am staying in room 738 so I have to get on the elevator on left. I enter a very rickety elevator with this girl who is fighting with her mother on her phone. the elevator does not meet the floor and you have to crawl in. we press the buttons and the elevator tries to lift but doesn't. then it starts to lean to my side, of course, so we both move to the middle. it still tries to lift and through a plastic panel on the front of the elevator a latin attendant is yelling at us trying to tell us what to do but we can't here her. My claustrophobia is starting to set in and I think I am going to lose it when I wake up.

First, in my dream, I remember being at a store with my dad, step mom, and stepbrother. I bought a pack of peppermint gum (like what I usually get) and 5-piece pack of this dessert gum. The dessert gum was cheese cake flavor. When we got outta the store, we saw this white truck that is owned and has been owned for 2 years and the owner was 18, 16 when he bought the truck. We stole it and I was the one driving and I was too young to drive in my dream (and I am barely too young to drive in reality. I will be able to in months). Then after that we started talking about this single mom with one kid that hired a babysitter and never came back to the house and the babysitter ever got to go home. Then, all of a sudden, I became that babysitter. It was just her and me. She was a baby, probably about a year old, and she had blond hair and blue eyes. And I have naturally blond hair and blue eyes (both in my dream and in reality. I dye my hair black, btw) We were playing underwater. There was seaweed under the water. After we played under the water, the kid was probably about 4 or 5 years old. She wanted me to do a bunch of things that I refused to do (like hug her and things like that). I was trying to track down her mom on the internet, but I couldn't find her. When I gave up, I knew I was gonna have to be this girl's parent. So I gave her a big hug. She asked "are you ok?" I said "yes." We played around for a while and I did the things she wanted me to do. After a while, we went to a hot air balloon. She grew up so fast. She was probably about 18 by the time we got outta the balloon. When we got back, the girl's mother was their. She, me, and her kid talked. The mom was proud of her for lying to some people, telling them how good she is. It seemed like the kid was really happy to see her mom. She didn't really say how happy she was to me for being her mom, but she showed it as she grew up. Then I woke up. (and at the end of the dream, the girl was getting ready to move out and start her own life). What is my subconscious trying to tell me? This was a weird dream. And btw, I didn't eat anything before I went to bed, and I never do (except for a cup of milk, but in the 2.5 years I have been drinking it before I went to bed, it never gives me weird dreams. When I have a weird dream, there is typically a meaning behind it.

Like i remember the whole trip thing was like through a bunch of rooms, and i was with a ton of people and the group was getting smaller and smaller each times, splitting up or being weeded out. But i remember going into a room it HUGE tables like, with everything you've ever owned in your life, huge tables filled with piles and piles of things. And at the end of the room were tons of doors, GIANT crystal doors, regular doors, gold, every shape ans size. And i remember walking past my parents at their table watching them madly grab for things, taking clothes and food and various things like phones and books. And i remember walking past them, and straight over to the doors because i just didn't WANT anything from mine. I remember looking at the doors and knowing that i had to pick one, and one door lead to heaven and the others were dead ends. And i looked at all of them and watched as my parents ran past to this huge crystal door, opened it, and it fell over and desolved, and they kept opening these huge ornate doors and the doors would desolve away or colapse. And i remember walking up to this itty bitty door, the size of a gym locker, opening it, and seeing this TIGHT as hell tunnel through jagged rocks and it was dark and very steep and barely enough room to fit, and i just, climbed in, squeezed myself in and started climbing. And i remember seeing feet, like legs in front of me, and i remember my parents trying to follow me through but they had too much stuff and they just wouldn't let it go, and i kept climbing even with them yelling at me asking me how i managed to fit. And i just kept goign and going and going until i got up to.....like this CRAZY bright gold area with white haze and bright light and like escaltors, and people were coming out of everywhere and getting on them going up, and soem were going faster and i got on one, and it wasn't fast but it wasn't slow and i remember just looking around kinda amazed and in awe watching people pass and just taking things in and i remember getting to the top, but for the life of me i can't remember what was there.....

My boyfriend s ex comes over to visit and walks right in, forces herself in. I'm hiding in the closet which she opens, sees me and then my boyfriend s comes over to sit with me. Next we are all sitting in the closet and he is talking to her. I then look at him and try to tell him how innapropriate this is so she goes to leave and he escorts her out. He and I talk about this, and I say he should have no connection with his ex, and he's laughing but agreeing. He says he's going out and she briefly comes back into our room but with her face covered by a bag of some sort, she says no words but I know it's her. He leaves, and I'm crying and I try to call him and he tells me he'll be back. I leave our room and end up out on the curb with a bunch of random people behind me. I call him again and he answers, I don't remember what is said except that they are smoking weed together in the car. Somehow in the morning I end up with one of my friends and we go to a restsuaurant and talk about it. She's not empathetic but she is with me and I feel so abandoned, lost, confused, sick, and trapped. I don't know what I'm going to do with the baby in my stomach, as I am 10 weeks pregnant (in real life and in the dream). I feel like i can't go to anyone so i visit this shelter and the last thing I remember is smashing my phone so no one can get in touch with me.

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