I was standing on the corner in a city and night with 2 of my friends trying to give my one friend my number but I kept typing it in the wrong way for like 15 minutes. While still trying to give my friend my number I saw my cousin but she looked about 10 years older and she asked about my presentation and who I presented it to. Then this african song/anthem came on and everyone in the streets were dancing including me and my friends and I was dancing like I knew this song but I've never heard this song in my life. Then there was like some group or team of girls about 6 or 7 and they were dancing to the song and they had on red and black vertical striped jerseys and they started taking off their clothes and when they finished they knelt down facing the street. Everyone was just watching them, there was a yellow taxi across the street and a white taxi behind it and Mr. Feeny from Boy Meets World got out of the drivers seat in the white taxi. October 08, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I woke up that morning in tears. Not knowing why I have had this same dream for the past two and a half years. It never did make sense to me, but I just brushed it off and kept going. There I was standing in my front yard of my old home, birds were chirping and dogs were barking. I was watching my life and future drive away in his red with white racing stripes down the front hood. Never knowing what could have been because all I seen was this truck slowly fading away in the distance. As I turned around and fell to my knees asking God “ Why me? Why does this have to happen?” As I got the strength to get up, I seen a person standing over me. I couldn’t see their face for the sun was shining so bright. I come to the recognition that it had to be an angel of God helping me. They grabbed me by the hand and said “ I will help you, you just have to let go of whatever it is that is holding you down.” I looked down at the ground for maybe a second and after finally getting back on my feet, they were gone, vanished, nowhere to be seen. I wiped the tear from my eyes and started back to the front door. As I was opening the door little by little I noticed that it was not my home, not a home at all. It was like a fairytale land. The grass was a green as it could be the sky as blue as it has ever been and a waterfall trickling down the hilly land and a rainbow covering as if was its blanket. I looked up at the sky and all I seen was my Aunt Renee’s face, just as I remembered her. There was a long complete silence; you could hear the drop of a hat. I was in complete awe of what I was witnessing. She then proceeded say to me “Emmy, everything is going to be just fine, I promise” I started crying, in disbelief that that had just happened. My father walked up to me and said “I am so sorry.” Then turning around and walking away, he disappeared into thin air. My Aunt Renee then asked me what was going on; my reply was “I don’t know.” She then started to disappear, as I was begging her not to go she didn’t say anything and then she was gone. I have never gotten past that part in my dream; I always wake up right after that part. October 01, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
Chased by terrifying spider with white stripes in my old house September 22, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
Fell asleep this afternoon - had a dream of looking for lost laundry in a castle - found a nice girl who helped me look. Found the laundrette and a dour chinese woman who pointed out lost laundry, under the clothes was xmas decs, old friend was there looking at xmas stuff and crying for her lost dad - we looked up and bright orange/yellow owls (with blue stripes on their wings) landed on a tree outside and started singing Deck the Halls (in female voices)......................... August 10, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
My friend, Miracle threw a white snake with orange stripes on me and I was afraid. October 02, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I had the most bizzarre dream. I dreamt I was hanging on the edge of a basket ( you know the ones they have under the big hot air balloons) and just as I'm about to climb in I slip and I'm dangling by a rope hanging 100's of metres in the air. But I'm not scared or anything, more pissed off that I can't get into the basket and I'm saying to myself told you , you needed to stay fit. I can hear a voice coming from the basket telling me to hurry up and there are voices from the ground telling me to let go and fall.. Basket was usual brown type wicker colour. Balloon was red and blue in stripes. I have no recollection if I was actually looking at anything. I can't recall any skyline or buildings, just the feeling of dangling from the rope, I can recall athe rope and its thickness, and looking up at the basket, I can remember hearing the noise the burners make and it was daylight, no sunset or dawn so I'm assuming middle of the day. Had no thoughts of looking down, and no fear, just irritated that I couldn't swing my legs up and getting really shitty at everyone who was yelling to let go and the whoever was telling me to hurry up was starting to piss me too. August 28, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I saw two yellow with white stripes snakes that had baby snakes just coming out of their eggs. Then the two mothers took the babies into their mouths and left. August 09, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis