Walked in a house through open door first room had been burnt and walls were black and ash walked in circle through entire house all doors were opened seen a staircase didnt go up April 12, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Alright, so for some reason... Me and a bunch of people were in Saturday school. And it was interesting because we went through the school day like any other normal day. Anyway, so the first thing I remember is leaving 1st hour and seeing Camden and Abbey walk in together. Then, I was suddenly in 2nd hour and we were playing with boats and I got all wet... So the scene switched or whatever and suddenly I'm upstairs, rushing to third hour, trying to get downstairs even though my 2nd hour is downstairs and my first hour is upstairs. So, me and like 4 other people rushing downstairs and everytime someome dropped something (which seemed to be a lot), we all went into like this lunging formation. Then, we start to hear footsteps and this girl is just like: "It's comimg from the right side of the staircase, that means she likes math." So, the girl goes by and the she's like going up the stairs with crutches and somehow not failing or falling. After that, we finally make it to the lunch room and all the tables are packed together really tight. And I'm standing next to Jacob and Kyra is across from him and she whispers something to me and I call her an impatient bitch and she all looks taken back, so I say sorry xD. Anyway, so I sit next to Jacob and I ask everyone why they're here and Jacob says he got a D in Science and I think I said I got a D in English. So, I go to ask Kyra and I'm all like, "Where's Kyra?" when I'm staring straight at her. Camden then randomly screams out, "CODY PUT LEMOMADE IN YOUR TEA, KYRA." So Kyra stands up and starts screaming, "WHIRLPOOL. WHIRLPOOL." and nobody looks so she slowly sits down.. April 03, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was going up staircase, after coming up suddenly i found myself down on otherside. Then i climbed up using the rods with difficuly. After going up again i started coming down automaticaly by a elevator. March 19, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
My boyfiend and i are building a staircase from the ocen to our new home March 15, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Im in a forest at twilight, graves all through, i walk up a slight hill in the forest towards our house. its an old fashioned house, I walk inside and to my keft is the kitchen a modern kitchen and my sisters and my mother are cooking. I walk past the kitchen into this huge open living area, to my left an old man is sitting in a big old leather chair, he has his back turned to me, its rather dark and there are antiques everywhere, a stuffed animal is on display, however, i cant work out what it is. To my left is a big staircase, with blood red velvet carpet, I look up and there are no ceilings like different floor levels accept theie walls and white doors in a row on each floor, like they are rooms, however, i cant see how you get up to them. I start climbing the stairs, a very wide staircase, i feel unsettled, scared even. something reminds me that i cant go past the fourth floor, once you go past the fourth floor you will never come back. thats when i wake up just as i reach the fourth floor. February 23, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
What does my dream mean? So, I have this guy in my waking life that I am dating, but I always had a feeling that the fact that his ex girlfriend cheated on him and hurt him so bad (he almost married her) is the reason he hokds back some in our relationship. I have always had very detailed dreams, and when I remember them, they usually mean something, but I cannot for the life of me decipher this one. I fell alseep one night and dreamed that I was in a warehouse filled with food. All sorts of food, like anything you could think of, and for some reason I was on a quest for frozen strawberries. I finally found them. I was walking around the market with my boyfriend 's roomate (who is like my big brother) and I have no clue why. We were flying around on a segway, and then we ended up walking, all in this market. Throughout the whole dream, I heard a woman's voice speaking on a loud speaker all throughout the market, even though I couldnt make out who it was or what they were saying. His roomate and I ended up being chased around by these men in yellow hazmat suits. It suddenly became difficult for me to breathe, and I looked up at the ceiling and saw that there were ceiling fans on that were blowing out yellow tear gas. He was holding my hand, and we were running around the market trying to get away, and Iwas frightenend, and then I woke up. About a month later, I fell asleep and had a dream that I was in something that looked like an abandoned factory. it was dark and gloomy and it just felt like something was wrong. I was chasing my boyfriend around, and he ended up going up a flight of stairs, so I followed. I ended up in the barracks that we live in on the same floor as we live, and he ran into his room and shut the door in my face, and no matter how hard I knocked, he wouldn't let me in. So I went to the staircase to go outside, and I looked back down into the stairwell of the dark and gloomy factory, and I saw a yellow boot belonging to one of the men from the first dream. But this time I wasn't afriad of the men, I wanted to find out what they wanted, so I went down the stairs after him. I got to the bottom, and there was a bunch of them hanging on a railing, and I turned a corner, and I ended up back in the warehouse full of food, with the fans still going blowing tear gas. I heard the loudspeaker again, and this time it was a man's voice (I dont know who) and I could make out what he was saying. He said, "You idiots, are you sure that it's (my boyfriend 's ex's name)'s fault? What are you going to do with her?!" And then I realized, the men weren't after me... they were after my boyfriend 's ex, and it was her voice on the loud speaker. I kept running around the market and I eventually fouund where the loudspeaker was being projected from, it was a man I've never seen before with a microphone in a cage talkiing. I got on the floor and crawled under one of the tables of food that was directly next to it, I recall seeing some green peppers, limes, and red peppers and tomatoes. The men in the yellow suits finally caught my boyfriend 's ex, and I don't know how I knew because I didn't see it, I just did, and the minute they did, the fans turned off and the tear gas stopped blowing, and I could breathe again. I stood up, took my boyfriend 's hand, and we walked out of the warehouse into this bright light, and I woke up. I'm sorry if I sound like a crazy person, but what the HELL does this mean?! lol It's driving me nuts, so if youre good with dream interperetation, please help, thanks:) March 20, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
This is more of a setting than an actual storyline, because there was no real plot that was significant or memorable in anyway. The setting was the most notable part of the dream, and it is also the most describable. (I apologize for the weird formatting, my computer is frustrating.) 1) Grandma Harn (grandmother on my mother’s side) built our family (me, Mom, Dad, Kayla, Dani, Jake [my siblings]) a log cabin up in some mountain in a dense, secluded forest with very tall trees 2) This log cabin is a gigantic mansion-like bulding 3) Each of us (Kayla, Dani, Jake) had a room that matched their personalities perfectly (all rooms were built when I was 2, Jake was 6, Dani was 10, and Kayla was 11; even though many of the room’s components [styles, decorations, etc] had not been invented until they were much older, implying a slightly mixed up timeline) 4) I didn’t seem to have a room to match my personality, however since it was first built I had been given a room that was very different from my sibling’s. 5) This house had many guest rooms, each decorated with a different theme though those themes did not seem to be important in the dream. 6) Kayla/Dani’s room (they shared a room since they were so close in age and personality): a) Large windows on the walls, some of them were stained glass with numerous colors b)white walls with a purple and yellow and pink tint c) white plush carpets covered the entire floor d) the bed was in the back of the room; it was large and circular and its sheets were purple and turquoise. It was a very soft mattress with many pillows. e) in the center of the room there is a large circular bin at least half the length and width of the room itself and inside of it was an amount of stuffed animals d)the rest of the room had toys in it 7) Jake’s room: a) only slightly smaller than Kayla and Dani’s room, but only because only one person was to sleep in it. b) the room was in the shape of an octagon, each wall was decorated with a different scene, which include a scene from Star Wars, Skyrim, Zelda, Star Fox, Lord of the Rings, Halo, Assasin’s Creed, and Pokemon c) the floor was a soft yet thin navy blue carpet d)hanging from the ceiling was an x-wing, y-wing, and other various aircrafts from vrious shows and games that Jake likes. e) in the corresponding scenes on the sides of the room were the weapons, artifacts, and statues of characters of that game/show f) the bed was navy blue in the shape of a perfect square g) there was one window, but there were many bright lights in the room 8) My room: a) smaller than Jake’s room b) no windows, black carpets, black rectangular and standard sized bed c) the bed sheets had a pattern, but it was constantly changing so it was impossible to identify what that pattern was d)the carpet’s pattern stayed the same; it was patterned with black roses that were a slightly lighter shade of black than the rest of the room and the roses’ stems had large thorns e)the walls and ceilings were all mirrors, even the back of the door was a mirror. I often thought that I was seeing things moving in those mirrors in the corner of my eye d) one ceiling light; when the room’s light was turned off it was so dark that one could not see their own hand half an inch from their face. When it was completely dark and you were alone, it would be so silent that you swear that you can hear things. These things cannot be made out and cannot even be known to actually exist. You constantly feel like you are being watched. 9) I was never allowed to sleep or play in anyone else’s rooms, no matter how scared I was. My parents would never let me sleep in any other room, even at a young age and continuing on until I turned seven in my dream, which was when I woke up. They wouldn’t listen to me. They didn’t seem to care that much that I was afraid. They always told me to deal with it. 10) In Kayla/Dani’s room there was a staircase that led up to a patio/ballroom with tables and a checkered, marble floor. a) for a long time this patio has been overrun with aliens and monsters, which we were all entirely aware of. None of us were scared of them, in fact as long as we didn’t go up the staircase they wouldn’t bother us. Kayla and Dani even slept in that room. They didn’t seem to be hostile and even towards the end of my dream they didn’t attack us. February 18, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis