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Dreams sigh

Found 193 dreams containing sigh - Page 10

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Latricia an I and someone else were riding in a vehicle that was tall and high reaching up to . trees and I was driving. we were at a zoo and we saw the animals great and small all kinds on the ground with people there too.we pass latricia step fathers house then we went to visit someone and her step father came and picked up her brother and she asked to use the phone.so the lady there asked me about, did I know she was his aunt or sister. we were in a kitchen an there was a light fixture in the ceiling with a hole in it I looked up and saw a big grey and white rattler forming and getting ready to fall down on the table. I was telling the people in the kitchen and they acted as if they couldnot hear me and never turned around at all.. the grey and white rattler snake came off the table and stood its body half way up and came after me. I looked to find something to kill it with but could not find any thing, so I moved about and around out of its sight so it would not strike me, so it went out the room and went around back to trap me and when it was ready to strike me a white and yellow fluffy cat stood in front of me and took the strike for me and blood was on the white fur of the cat and I began to weep in my heart so for the cat, then a man from out of no where and had an object in his hand and killed the grey and white rattler snake by stabbing it in the base of the neck and head and then he stabbed the cat so he could be put out of his misery and the cat went peaceful then he held the cat up in his hand as saying he was an hero and asked another man at the door to bury him.

I was in a nice 4 door pickup truck and was driving around manassas close to osbourne or somewhere by a school (I kinda recognized where we was it looked familiar but different) and somehow H was in the truck too. I stopped at mcdonalds and a white dude who knew me came up and was hugging me and we were talking. H was still in the truck, but eventually came out as soon as he asked me for my number as we were walking back to his car. H was standing there gritting on us while I bought a quick $50 bag from him and he said he was headed for kentucky but he took my number and said he would call me tomorrow and would gladly come back for me (I think he liked me!) so of course H is cussing me out in the truck as I was driving him somewhere (probably my apartment in the dream). I got pissed, pulled off the road at some store and told him you know what if you dont like it GTFO I was screaming at him...i drove into some gate with a dark road down it but something said turn around and leave and right as I did I saw a cop running towards the gate and the gate had closed as soon as I pulled outta there (whole time I had my 50 bag in my left hand in the door pocket LOL) so I turned around just to drive past H to see what he was doing- he was standing at a church with a baby in his hands and I yelled to him whos baby is that and he said Paul's...then he was calling for some girl stephanie to come help him....so since I saw he had people to help him I left...sparked up my bag and was headed towards home and woke up. There was also some small part where I was in an apartment and carlos and one of his friends were there but no C in sight...IDK what was up with that???

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