Understand My Dreams

Dreams rust

Four o'clock comes. Leaving me in dry sweats accompanied by uneasy breathing. I find myself searching the room as if this man were still in my presence. The strong, yet easy echo of his words still ringing in my ears. Disoriented I lay there unwilling to move, welcoming the cool breeze of the fan as it caresses my face. "Come with me, I'll show you the way" I couldn’t see his face, but there was a hint of a smile to his voice. His hand extended towards mine. As I lay sprawled on the floor with no clear memory of how I had gotten there. I was beaten, and I was afraid. Cautiously I looked for him, but still only found his hands - "But, I cant see you." I stated. "You don’t need to, just trust me." He replied. Our hands meet with some confusion, but he draws me towards him with impressive strength. This is where i wake up. My blood rushing from adrenaline, it was comfortable, and dangerous in one. For when gentle sins meet one another, worlds collide. when he starts speaking is where my dream starts, the part I remember anyway. And the last sentence I swear that I heard his same melodic voice whiper it to me after I had already woken. Also, it might help you know that I lucid dream, most of the time unwilling,

My friend woke me up but I had a song playing clear as day in my head like a record but only I could hear it but I was trying so hard to pretend I was normal. I went into the living room and other people were there. I wanted to carry on partying but the others didn't like my manic behaviour. I decided I didn't like them so I went out for a walk. It was dark and I was waking down my high-street, it seemed like the background was in a loop, repeating the same shops I went passed. I even thought in my dream this was strange but I didn't care just kept walking. I was aware and untrustworthy of everyone that walked past me when I saw a dark figure of a man walk towards me and I stopped still scared. I turned my head and looked into an alleyway and there was an insane woman in a straight jacket being comforted by her sister telling her to calm down and hand herself in. The sister looked at me and I looked back at the man who was now closing in on me. Suddenly a white van parked up and put the man in a straight jacket and forced him into the van and drove I looked at the women in the ally way and laughed and said "he was proper mental!"

I was dreaming that my husband got locked up by the police for stealing his own car. I went to visit him to see how I can help set him free. When I got to the station a lady with blonde hair was sitting there. Claiming to be his friend and that she wants to help him. I did not trusther and felt that she had hidden agendas. So I told her to stay away from him and that he is my husband and that I would help him. When I got to my husband he was standing in a room with the door open. I thought to myself that he could easily just walk out if there because there was no guards to stop him I also felt that she was the person who had him locked up.My husband then told me that they put him in that room to keep him away from the other prisoners and that he wasn't allowed to leave the room. He then contacted his lawyer to help him and the lawyer responded with a numerical coded message wich I unlocked for him. The message said that he can help my husband to proof his inocense but it would cost him R500. We didn't have the money so I told my husband that I would go to another policestation with the proof that he is inocent and have them release him. But if all else fails I would brake him out of prison myself.

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