Understand My Dreams

Dreams quest

His lower part of the leg cause do to his large height 10' or so I could reach the waist or above the waist..As I'm hugging I have a sense of joy, calmness, one that is equally to the room I was in with him, he looks down at me & asks "Did you wake your husband up!" With joy & a smoke on my face I say "I don't have a husband!" He looks down again at me and asked the same question again, I repeat the same answer! Then as we prepare to walk he looks down again & ask the same question, this time he draws my attention to this window or TV or such at this beautiful lady who is just as equal in beauty & affection as he is..I then got a sense he's been watching he, aware of her .then I woke up..

My sisters and I went down to check on mom and dad They were in the pool playing a game and they had some food that we really wanted but they said we couldn't have any. So we went upstairs to find cookies sitting on my dresser. I found a container and put the cookies in there so we could have some later. Then we went back to the pool to tell mom and dad about our discovery. We asked them if we could have some of the food and they said they ate all of it. Then we asked if we could play and my parents said yes. It was played with balls meant for the game of pool but in this game you were trying to get the balls into the skimmer and for some reason the balls floated. Most of the time my family ha me retrieve the ball and they started ignoring me when I asked questions or talked at all. Every once in a while a ball would go pretty far, close to the furthest skimmer. And every time it did I noticed a something in the bottom of the pool but I seemed to ignore it. Then the last time I retrieved a ball that far it was very dark, the pool light below the skimmer wasn't on, then the sound of my family faded. The water by the skimmer warm but as I was swimming back the water got cold then suddenly warm again. I noticed what the things in the bottom of the pool was a dead body. The body was bloody all of but I didn't seem to care I just swam on but then I started sinking an I was slowly being pulled back, but I didn't even try to get back to the surface of the water.

My sisters and I went down to check on mom and dad They were in the pool playing a game and they had some food that we really wanted but they said we couldn't have any. So we went upstairs to find cookies sitting on my dresser. I found a container and put the cookies in there so we could have some later. Then we went back to the pool to tell mom and dad about our discovery. We asked them if we could have some of the food and they said they at all of it. Then we asked if we could play and my parents said yes. It was played with balls meant for the game of pool but in this game you were trying to get the balls into the skimmer and for some reason the balls floated. Most of the time my family ha me retrieve the ball and they started ignoring me when I asked questions or talked at all. Every once in a while a ball would go pretty far, close to the furthest skimmer. And every time it did I noticed a something in the bottom of the pool but I seemed to ignore it. Then the last time I retrieved a ball that far it was very dark, the pool light above the skimmer wasn't on, then the sound of my family faded. The water by the skimmer warm but as I was swimming back the water got cold then suddenly warm again. I noticed what the things in the bottom of the pool was a dead body. The body was bloody all of but I didn't seem to care I just swam on but then I started sinking an I was slowly being pulled back, but I didn't even try to get back to the surface of the water.

Sogni e desideri delle ragazze di quattro continenti. La Girl Declaration è stata redatta intervistando 508 ragazze in 14 paesi di quattro continenti, che hanno raccontato di cosa avrebbero bisogno per potersi realizzare; alla sua stesura hanno collaborato più di 25 organizzazioni che lavorano sul campo con le giovani. Il documento è stato consegnato alla presidente della Camera Boldrini dalla presidente dell'AIDOS Daniela Colombo e dalla vicepresidente Maria Grazia Panunzi. "Abbiamo voluto consegnare la Dichiarazione alla presidente Boldrini - ha detto Pia Locatelli, coordinatrice del Gruppo interparlamentare - per mettere simbolicamente il futuro delle ragazze in mano alle istituzioni". "Le storie di vita che ho ascoltato - ha detto la Boldrini - confermano una volta di più che l'educazione è tutto, e che persino pochi anni di scuola bastano ad assicurare un netto miglioramento delle prospettive per queste giovani donne. E' importante il sostegno che viene dalla collaborazione tra le espressioni della società civile e le parlamentari. La vostra azione congiunta può avvicinare il tempo in cui le ragazze saranno finalmente protagoniste del proprio destino". Clarisonic Mia

A far as I know, my dream started in a rainstorm. For some reason, it was my fault that wind was circling my house while a dark storm brewed outside. Internally, I remember thinking that it was tornado weather, that a tornado would strike my house and pull it from the ground. The difference I didn't notice till I woke up was that the house was like a weak replica of my house made of old wood. It was placed where at the school where it says "community center" but the school wasn't there. The winds did eventually pull apart the house, but only the second floor, which I was on, was swing into the school parking lot. It went slow motion as I was flying and whenever I fly in a dream, it slows down, like my mind is questioning if that could really happen. After the second floor of my house replica crashes through a tree, I climb out safely and unharmed. In the school parking lot is my cousins. Liz and I are put on a team for a new game against Debby and Ruth. The game is like tag but even though one team goes after the other as the tagger and the other runs, it doesn't switch teams if you tag them. Teams switch between being tagger at the sound if a whistle every 5-10 min. If your tagged, your out of the game. We suddenly found ourselves running around grandmas farm before ending up at some place I've never seen. At this place was all the freshmen and the teams were now boy against girl. Us girls were taggers and were hanging out in an apartment like building with the boys that for some reason we weren't tagging, even though they were in still. Suddenly the whistle blows and us females run for the door, um the first out of the backroom into the kitchen and debate hiding in the fridge, but instead hide to the side of it opposite the door everyone is trying to get through. The lights are off and most of the females that havnt been tagged are running out the kitchen door to where I suppose the hallway is. The first male to come out turns on the kitchen light.The males are screaming "this is Sparta!" And chasing after them. A few of the males still have food and drinks and shit from in the room and rush to the fridge to put it away. I'm freaking out cuz I think they'll catch me, but the door opens so it blocks me from view. They throw the stuff in the fridge and don't bother closing the door. At this point a person that is co side red a respected figure in the dream, I assume a teacher but don't recognize him, yells at the boys and makes them all crowd in the kitchen to talk about how impolite they are being to the girls. At this point , the fridge door is closed and Jo and gen show up next to me. I don't question anything at first cuz genna looks the same, but in this dream Jo is skinny. Her hair is the same color, but has an anime kind of wave to it, she literally looks like an anime character. This is the pint where I'm like "umm that's not how Jo is" and when I overly question the dream, it kicks me out so that's when I wake up.

I broke up with my x of three years a year ago, so I'm not sure why I have these dreams. But in my dreams that I remember its about him and him wanting me back and telling me that I need to dump the guy in dating that he just wants a kiss. And when he hugs me I can literally feel it. I smell him and feel him vividly. I ask him questions. And I always give into him even though in my dreams I try to say no. I can't even when I really really try. What does this mean? We r always in my house or in a field or in the trees. Always in the sun. And I have a flower with five pettles kinda colored and snapped like a sun flower tattooed on me. What does this mean??? Please help. I hate sleeping because these dreams make me sick.

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