I was at a party and a guy I hate drugged my friend and then I got really aggressive and starting punching the shit out of him
Husband punching me in the face
* According to their reports, the police don? have any new evidence ? so how did they now conclude that Vanecko punched Koschman when the original detectives wrote in 2004 they couldn? determine who did it, or even whether Koschman had been punched or, perhaps, pushed?
Nike KD Trey 5
I was fighting with my boyfriend and he threw me up against a wall and punched me in the face
Punching someone in the face
I was at school and I went into the bathroom. I found my worst enemy with some of her friends. They dunked my head in the toilet. Then they let me back out. I went out of the bathroom with a soaking wet face. I tripped on a stone and my enemy came back with her friends. I was lying on the floor and they kicked me and punched me
So first I was in an abandoned warehouse, with a bunch of strangers. not feeling left out or in any way that I wasnt supposed to be there. I had sex with a stranger and it was passionate. After this happened, my dream jumps to my fathers house where i grew up. I was in the yard and saw my fathers truck (from back when i was a child, which he no longer has) hooked up to Two different trailers. These trailers were filled with construction material. The truck was also running. Almost felt as if I had come home from a "party" and seeing my dads truck running, I felt as if I should have been home to help him load up the truck and trailers. So i went inside the house. Walked up to his bedroom, and inside i found him laying with 3 other GUYS in his bed. MY DAD IS NOT GAY! He wakes up, along with the other men, and he looks surprised but happy... he asks "What happened last night?" I replied, I dont know, I was going to ask you the same thing! He then tells me he got his 3rd DUI and he was smiling about it. Then I walk out on the balcony and am frantic trying to figure out what happened to my dad the night prior. Looking out to the yard I see a bunch of people leaving the house. The neighbors are at the end of their driveway looking up at dads house shaking their head in disapproval. Then, after freaking out and punching dents into a van, someone tells me my dog got hit last night by a car, and it died. WHAT THE HELL DOES ALL THIS MEAN?
My son comes in and lays on my chest then he becomes so heavy I cant breathe, talk or move him all I do Is punch him too try and wake him up
Getting punched in the face by a big hand
My partner and I split up and we met at a party and had sex then I punched him then he started a fire and got badly burned