Understand My Dreams

Dreams parents

I was with my sister and family in Hawaii on the Island of Maui. My sister and I got separated from my parents. We then decide to climb onto a mountain to see where my parents are. Little did we know that this certain mountain was a volcano. We reach the top and we can’t see our parents. We slip into the crater of the volcano we screamed and we fell into the lava. The lava didn’t burn us though we swam in it like it was water. We were having fun then a voice boomed saying who dares to enter my volcano and disturb me. My sister and I scared remained silent. The lava moved as a large rock monster rose out of the lava. We both screamed as the lava monster picked us up and threw us out of the volcano. We then got up and ran away from the volcano because we could still hear the roar of the monster.

I was in school and a teacher inside the class said that my parents were there to take me. she threw something at me and I caught it. after that I looked at my friend that comes home with me everyday that im leaving at that she should come with me I also told an old friend of mine too. We got to the admin of my school and it was packed with people which never happens. my friend snuck out without the receptionist seeing because she didn't have permission from her parent to leave and two other friends. When we got into the car my friends were already inside and my other friend with her family. As we drove away from the school two white horses followed us and we all agreed that we felt bad that they were free with nothing to eat and that they would have better chances of survival if they followed us to the farm.

In real life, my ex and I broke up. And I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses. In my dream, I was at an assembly of Jehovah's Witnesses, in the old building we use to go to years ago and my ex was there and we was still in a relationship. Later, we went home, but it was my old house that I sold and my ex was there too. And he was shirtless like he lived there with my parents and myself. I'm trying chicken wings and fried oreos and he comes to me the get some food and I punched him and he felt real although I know we are broken up outside the dream.

I was sleeping with my dog in my parents house. I hear someone in the house although I’m suppose to be alone the sink turns on and off the dresser door opens in my parents room. Bugs and a mouse run fast by their door. I call my twin sister and she isn’t making sense on the phone saying she called mom and dad but they knew she wasn’t dreaming. I get up my dog reluctantly runs in and I follow I have a gold necklace that I’m spinning and there is a gravitational energy pull and then a ghost comes out of their bathroom who is getting ready and angry. I don’t recognize him and I wake up

I had a dream about my friend and her parents. In my dream, my friend and her parents were trying to kill me. I was at my house with some guy (whose face I can’t remember) and he was helping me stay alive. My friend’s dad finds us and he has arthritis in his knees so he says “do you want me to kill you now or later?” We choose later, so we run out of my house. I lose the guy, so I hide in a car. While I’m hiding my friend sees that someone is in the car. She says, “it’s just dad” and then walks away. She then walks back and says, “wait… these feet are too small to be my dad’s!” She then tries to attack me so I ran to my neighbor’s house. My neighbor’s let me in and I feel safe until my friend and her mom break the window. They then proceed into the house and kill my neighbors. I ran out of the house and started running again and then I woke up.

I was watching a bird trying to get through a vent on top of a house that reminded me of my grandparents house (I could see the back yard). It was dim outside like dusk or a storm and all of a sudden I was inside the vent or air duct that the bird was trying to get into. It was pitch black and I was trapped and heard a frightening whispering growling voice. I don’t remember what it said if was real words at all. I immediately connected the voice to someone that works at the same place as me ( never really liked me) and who used to be a big boss but has sense lost that position. I felt really scared of the voice and then it was over.

A young woman with orangeish blonde hair had run away form her family this older couple allowed her to stay in their home the woman had been shown to a room and laid down to go to sleep for the night as it was late. in the morning the older woman went to wake her up and as the younger woman lifted her head up from the pillow this large orange spot with clumps of hair in it was left on the pillow the older woman screamed at the younger woman and told her to go get cleaned up. once the young woman had been cleaned up it could be seen that she was pregnant and the baby was due to come at any point. the old woman called the healer of their village to help the young woman who it could be seen was just a young girl not much older than 10 or 12 years old the girl was then asked to let the old woman and her husband go through her bag. when they did so they found many different kinds of drugs most of the bottles almost empty some completely empty. then the girl stared screaming it seemed that she was giving birth and when the baby came the old couple took the girl to court where they ended up fighting against the girl and her parents for custody of the baby. in the end the girl got to keep the baby.

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