I took my car to he dealer to repair and he have me a paper to sign and an other car May 31, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
Violent ex pours petrol on me and throws paper to set me alight. Chases after me April 28, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I'm sitting in current partners house. A man calls me I switch off phone. The door opens and boyfriend walks in and starts. I run out house I turn round and violent ex kids dad pours me with petrol. I run he chases me throwing paper which is on fire. I go to my aunts house round the corner who dousnt usually live there and she says I'm on Internet where man on phone has put horrible things about me April 28, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I was at home clothes were everywhere when i washed them i didnot put them up, i got called upon to speak at a church so i tried to get ready , so i decided to wear one of my clergy robes to speak in but i couldnt find it so i had to search through a lot of clothes so when i found it it was very wrinkle so i got an iron to iron it but somehow the church people was there and telling me to come on so they can escort me to the pull pit so i got ready then one of the ladys picked up my book and bible but it was the wrong one but then i found it so i walked into the church there were hundreds of people there i stepped up on the potium and placed my bible and notebook there,so i was wating they were having some praise service i saw my pastor there smiling and watching me through the crowd,then i went to the back of the church in a room and took my clothes off and took a hot shower when they called me to speak i was just putting back on my clothes i couldnt put on my shoes so i went without them to speak on the way to the potium a lady ask me if i had on a dress up under my clery robe i said yes but as i looked down somehow i hjad on a pink bed gown on up under the clergy robe. so i proceeded to began to speak and someone took my bible and study paper i had to speak on, so they looked for it and found it when i began talking i was telling them about my daughter who is deceasd called me on the phone to tell me to get her check for her on friday and she will pick it up , i said ok then i said my daughter doesnt know shes dead she think shes still living, but i did talk to her. then i began to preach ,i told the micah at first then isiah it was so mixed up for me,so i began to speak about God gave isaiah a message for one of Gods servant and it was to give her a 119.00 so the servant said i dont want that i want 679.00 so then i began to speak on do you feel that sometimes things just are not working for you but ask God for more instead of using what you got. April 24, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
In a hospital having objects removed from abdomen such as paper clips, pencils, jewelery March 21, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
My dream was about my mother tripping take over financial paperwork and I was angry with her. The banker say that I was angry and was wrote on her desk in an attempt to get a message to me without my mother seeing it. The writing was just scribbles but I knew she was trying to spell my fathers name. April 28, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt of visiting a house with wallpaper with golden symbols they looked Egyptian my deceased mother was with me and i said to her look mum we have lived here b4 i pointed out the wallpaper and looked out the window and pointed out the house next door to her we were conversing like we would have in life with love then we seemed to be in another house and we discovered underneath this mattress coins and jewelry there were a lot of silver coins in Australian present currency also gold 1's and 2 dollar coins and gold jewelry (necklaces) then there appeared to be an appraiser there telling us that the gold necklace was very valuable the ingot was gold and shaped like a person but very boxy looking with intricate detail on it i want to again say i feel the ingot was Egyptian we collected the gold coins and gold jewelry but left all the silver April 17, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
On train, there was a toilet outside and some man gave me toilet paper to use it. Lapis lazuli was there at one point and we got eaten by a whale before I woke up March 30, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt a small innocent looking man in his 60s was catching a female mute swan to be taken somewhere. He put her in the back of a delivery van (in this case, frozen chips/fries) but it was empty. As he put her in he threw her because she tried to defend herself and then I witnessed him throwing a large heavy roll of paper at her and shouting You S.O.B... The make swan was calling for her (with the voice of a stag) from the public park where they lived. The man disappeared but I had taken down the number on van to report. He returned and i somehow got in the van and rescued the swan who was all bound up and strung up like a trophy. The man said he was going to kill both of us but I got her out and released her back into her habitat. He found out and chased me, but then I found his van all boarded up in an attempt to hid his identity. I ripped it all off to show people who he was. March 08, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis