I keep dreaming about my ex boyfriend
I was chasing after my ex boyfriend , he jumps off a cliff so I wanted to too but Jesus stopped me
I had a dream where my ex boyfriend died. We were at my house and some sort of catastrophe was going on with the earth. I was very upset with his death but his sprit was still with me. He guided me places and I clung to him. It was like I couldn’t be away from him because I cared so much. Before he died we were hiding together from the people that were trying to kill everyone.
In my dream the house I wish to buy which is my grandmas that I live in now was different trhere was an Accor what was like a separate house
I saw shoes hat resembled those of my ex boyfriend but high heeled
There were different rooms
There was a light that was so bright it blinded my eyes a little
there were items from my childhood in one room and a vanity toy I always wanted as a child
I was in a big dressing room, then my husband came and he saw me hiding with my ex boyfriend and my fough
Dream of being in a top floor apartment there were many toddlers my ex boyfriend was there and i watched as this 2 year old baby climbed on the couch opened a window and fell out
I saw my ex boyfriend and another girl in bed, but I didn't realize it was him until the person I was with looked at me shocked and I asked, "What? Was that Jose?". Then I looked bad and he just stared at me.
I was at a party with a large group of people who in real life I’ve realized aren’t my friends. And they were all really mad at me and two people out of the group pulled me aside and just flipped out on me to he point of tears. Then I saw my ex boyfriend as I was leaving and he gave me comfort and asked if I needed a ride which I did. So he gave me a ride and on the ride he starts getting angry at me too for no reason we werent even talking it was a sort of awkward car drive and he made me get out of the car and left me there alone where I just sat along side the road and cried until I woke up.
I dream my ex boyfriend was in my house
Me and my ex boyfriend were sitting on my bed it was a bunk bed, I had hidden his bank details because I'd stolen money from him. He was texting but hiding his phone. Then we ran 10k race