I had two dreams similar to each other the first one was I was sitting in a desk and there was a famous preacher standing behind me at a angle looking at me out the corner of his eye, and a couple of mouths later I was itting at a table sighning something and there was people around me and the same preacher walded by and said something and I asked some one what did he say ,so a few minutes later I went down a hall looking for him and he had got on a elevator August 14, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Was in a trapped room dimmly lit and it felt wet like a bathroom. There was an orgy going on around me and a speaker came on and said join the orgy or go through this door. But i didnt hear the last part of his sentence so i went through the door and the speaker had said and die when i walked in. The door closed behind me and i saw a cheff murder over my friends holding a knife waiting to kill them and they were all afraid. I was angry so i went out a second door into the same room. A guy was looking at me a teen guy and there were guys around him but he was the leader. He looked at me like he was better than me so i walked up to him and pulled his face to my face and we started to make out passionetly November 26, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I saw the man i love, sitting right in front of me, smiling looking at me while drinking water from a bottle, just before that i saw his father and another of my uncles (both of them died many years ago), my elder sister was sitting with them and they were lying on a floor. after this the scene changed and i saw we have come to his wedding, but he is not marrying the girl selected for him by his mother (his present wife), rather another girl, not from our circle. September 24, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I was wet and had no top on naked only my top half I was covering my breast with my hands loads of people were looking at me I also had a little run at sum point, was in a very bise place October 03, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in a classroom drunk, and there was a multiple choice test. The teacher was standing in front of me looking at me and the test as i took the test. I choose all A's. then when i stood up i was so drunk i had a hard time walking.Then i realized the teacher was my boss. October 02, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
A man was looking at me in the fourth to the last row seat in church August 13, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
In my dream I was running a race to get to a boat. Only a select amount of people were allowed onboard. My friend and I were faced with many obstacles. My friend kept running away from me and I was trying to catch up to her. but she ran faster when I got close to her.we ran by a pool, I ran though bushes and though a city street that wasn't straight. we ran down the dock to the boat. the boat was very tight inside. The boat turned into a submarine. and a teacher appeared and was telling us about sea life but I didn't pay attention. I kept drawing a shipwreck in a notebook I was clinging on to. Someone was staring at me and when I finally looked up is was my ex- boyfriend . we sat there staring at each other for a really long time. then my friend came and sat in between us and I remember that made me really upset because he wasn't close to me anymore. finally she left because we were talking to much but we weren't saying a word. I felt overwhelmed with his presence there. too much emotion building up inside of me. I wanted to get closer to him. in his eyes he was searching but trying to keep a blank face while looking at me. finally he smiled softly at me and we embraced each other. I felt very warm in my stomach while I was dreaming this. like my stomach had a thousand butterflies in it. his hands were really warm but I was really cold so it felt comforting. he kissed me for a really long time. we kissed we didn't need to breath so we sat there kissing for a really long time. during this time the inside of my body was melting. then it was just us two. October 16, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I was kissing someone and she was looking at me hard! i then started cleaning a big gun. October 12, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
In a dream see a bishop stand in front of church looking at me avery visual sight October 10, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis