Understand My Dreams

Dreams digging

It was snowing in our apartment only and there was a lot of snow that covered my car and half of the building,so i could drive my car since it was covered with snow and had to take my sisters, and I went into one way and three cops caught me. one of them being someone I know. and the person I know started doing their normal job,just like they do at work. and the police just started digging the ground, they didn't ask me for licence and I was in the car for awhile and run to the building to tell my sister to throw me my licence and when she did,I came back to the car,but the police told me I can go,because it happen.

I was crawling in snow to jump down into a 6 foot hole where my ex & a guy stood. The Guy was digging out a car for us to sleep in. When he opened up the door he left. My ex looked at me and smiled and climbed in. I followed. Inside it wasn't a car but a little cave. We began cleaning it up. Then he kissed me and he made a weird face. Then I tried to kiss him multiple times and he rejected me. Then it jumped to me laying down in the dark. I heard him get up and I followed behind him quietly. When he got in a car in the cave I got mad and smashed into it with another car and then ran out of the cave and over a fence and set at the bottom of a hill. He then texted me "You are never getting out of this one, you don't even have a license!" Then it jumped to a weird guy in a elementary school nurse office waiting to get treated. Then I woke up.

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