I was awake but asleep when this dream happened. I went to my aunts house and there were all these animals that she had and they were just crawling around. I was suddenly tired when i went to sleep on my cousins bed then i just wake up and see this demon like humanoid who watched me sleep. She was floating and it seemed like she had scaly skin , darkened hollow eyes,and flowing blackish grey hair. I fainted after seeing this creature. I then woke up under a bathtub being able to breathe under water. I look into the mirror to see this sweet innocent girl smiling at me, but as i kept staring at her face get turning into a horrible figure like the previous demon i encountered. Slowly drifting away into darkness i woke up again back on the bed. I got a message from my bestfriend telling me everything was going to be fine your just seeing things. I couldn't take it anymore so I ran out into a hallway confused because my aunts house wasn't that big. Realizing that i had left my ipad behind i tried to go back but i only managed to get a bear i had dropped. When i was about to go into the room the lights turned off by itself and a door opened. The lights of the hallway started flickering , and thats when i knew i should start to run. I kept running and running knowing that whatever was in this house is following me. I finally got out the door terrified only to see my parents waiting for me . I told them i didnt want to go home i was to afraid of whatever was in there following to my house. I'm not the religious person but i was seriously considering getting a priest so he can bless my house and tell me whats going on. My dream then cuts to me talking to my cousin but i am unable to explain to her what happened at her house. I then go to this center where i see my bestfriend who is for some reason on a tricycle. I also see my crush saddened on a couch. I then embarrass myself in front of him and just leave my stuff there and follow my bestfriend who then has a clown mask. Her and my crush then both have horrendous clown masks. Finally it was time to go when i went to get my stuff and i see my crush helping me. I ask him for some of my stuff which for some reason were lollipops. He gave me one but i knew i had more, he then started to smile at me and giggle and gave me my favorite lollipop which he apparently knew. I then left smiling and arrived school only to find a drunk person. I knew him but i cant figure out from where. He then got closer and attacked me. I tried to fight back but i couldnt. The police came and escorted him away. That is how my dream ended . December 05, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Darkness no light moon or stars orange and red fire in sky Arabic or Hebrew writing in the fire November 20, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
My friend was surrounded light and then darkness after he died December 05, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
The dream did not begin with the promise of horror; I was in a college auditorium surrounded by a few fellow students and we were preparing to watch a documentary by the gentleman on stage. Initially, the general conception among the crowd was that he was depressed and that the documentary he had to show us would be about his depression; this was not the case. When the film began to play, we quickly learned that it was filmed by his father. “Dad, come here there’s something you need to see!” But it’s dark, what is there to possibly see in the dark? Suddenly, I no longer feel as though I’m sitting down watching this scenario play out on film; I am the father, following my son around with this video camera gearing to see whatever he has planned for me. I step into the light and it is here where my dream becomes a nightmare. All around are bodies that have been destroyed; from the few I dare to look at I can see a girl with no eyes and a gashed leg and a myriad of dead men. The horror does not stop here, in the dream my son takes me from room to room showing me more dead bodies; he has killed them all for me. Then I am surrounded by more darkness, but this is a good darkness. It is the darkness of my room and my nightmare was over. December 01, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I lived in New York. Everything was normal. Until I somehow teleported into a Desert. Watching other human beings become eaten by the sand somehow. As I was able to escape and go back to the city. I had realized I was the last person of Earth. For some reason I had armor and a watch. I roamed around the city for answers. Until I finally gave up and decided to simply die. As I looked at my watch one last time in darkness as it glowed in the dark. I had flashbacks of the Rugrats show coming rapidly. With a vivid memory of me hugging someone in Kindergarden as all the other kids had become silent after talking very loud. And then I woke up. November 29, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Riding in a truck, driver ran off road over a culvert, as if floating on water, we were decsending into fog and darkness, never reached the bottom November 17, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis