Chased down a hill by two cows, A small cow attacked me so I jumped into some water and died instantly
Many white cows moving in one direction
I dreamed on no more cows to be ropin
Cows chasing me and trying to attack me and lord cut my hair to stop the cow
A field of bulls and cows and the bull turned and chassed at me and hit me in the chest I awoke immediadetly with a pain in my chest
I dreamt about allergic cows
I was talking with cows.. i cant reallt figure out but there were many cows in my dream
Jumping into water. Digging muthi, learning sangoma bones, being chased by cows
I had a dream about allergic cows
Every time I would look at a bull it would start freaking out and get out of where ever it was locked up in and charge at me and try to kill me. I would climb trees or hide in a room and he would still be able to find me. The bull would be in a group of cows and just one glance it would just lose its mind and charge. It happened to me several times in my dream with different bulls. And no one would kill it to save me bc they said it was a bull they needed.