Coughing blood
Sleeping next to a close friend who just died, got up coughing
My boyfriend cought me that im texting other guy
My child was choking and noone would help then at end of dream we were both coughing up money
I coughd up hairh
I dreamed that I coughed out my tongue and I was trying yell for help but could not make sound to get help. There were walls all around me and I was banging on them trying to get help. I was holding my tongue in my hand also.
I dreamed my friend has a babe and the babe was left in the house alone and got cought by fire
Dad coughing up blood and then being ok
I had dream ... tat i was walking wit my friend.... in some city suddenly i turned back...and found a bulding was on fire.. it was an appartment.. and none saw it.. wen i said... on top floor fire is cought.. then many came to down to stop fire. wat does it