Understand My Dreams

Dreams corner

: "My dream started out with my daughter and I. We lived in Seattle. She was at school and i was out. The end of america was beginning and it was getting violent. It was like a blood bath. I ran and got my daughter out of school. We had to jump out a classroom window on the second story and climb down a tree to get out safe. My daughter was scared crying. I told her to be brave and that we will be alright. We started running avoiding people we saw on the streets. I found a car and started driving us away. It died quickly so we started running again. We eventually found a overpass where we could hide underneath.there was an area with a dozen trees all gatgered closely. There was also a tree on the other side of the wall underneath that was by itself. But someone else was in the tree in the next corner. He jumped down and walked over to us. I said I need somewhere for ny daughter to get rest. He said it was quiet around there and that we could use the lonely tree. We couldn't use the clumped up trees because they could set fire easy and I wouldnt see if anyone is getting near. He helped me get her up the lonely tree. I climbed up and held her until she stopped crying and slept. I watch people run through the underpass not seeing us. I was scared for our lives. The man shandd us a door to a underground tunnel the next day. He said it was brutal down there. But there was a food storage close to it but that was seperate. It was near the trees. We were able to eat and drink for a couple days. The man said he needs to go out and check the area. I told him we needed to get going. We were heading north to Canada to start again up there. That we needed to live. He said maybe one day we would see each other again. Tgen my daughter and i took off trying to find a train.

I dreamed I was walking home from work. A woman I know drove up in a small blue car like a Volkswagen Beetle but not a beetle. She was with two other women I did not recognize. She told me they were going to try a new restaurant that has just opened and wanted to know if I wanted to join them. I eagerly agreed and got into the car. We drove only a small bit before arriving at a small run down neighborhood. The restaurant sat in the middle of the block and looked like a large two story house made out of the same material as a pencil eraser, and when you touched it it jiggled like jell-O. We went up to a door just up a short step but when we opened the door their was a bald man wearing a tank top T shirt and black cargo pants talking about stock options. We eventually found another door similar to that one on the other side with a smaller door on the ground next to it. By ringing the bell on the small door a Little person came out cursing and swearing and ran up the stairs, unlocked the door, then ran back into the little door. We went in a found a huge dark restaurant. They had a steak bar, sea food Liquor, everything you could imagine and our table was piled high with all kinds of food. We ate and laughed and had a really great time. I was getting full and wanted to leave but they were not done yet. So I left. I walked out and it was late afternoon. I crossed the street to find the scene had changed. The side walk I stepped off of was still a little run down neighborhood, but now the street was cobble stone and lined with Gas light style street lamps. Across the street was a thick tropical jungle. It was getting dark the further across the road I walked. Suddenly two large elephants burst out of the jungle and were wrestling in the same way people wrestle. They clutched each other and fell over then started rolling towards me. I just had time to jump out of the way and step up on the opposite side walk. The scene changed again. It was dark at this time and the street was lined with these depressing buildings made of dark crumbling stones. I stepped into an open doorway. When I stepped in, I found a low ceiling room, dirt floors, crumbling stone columns rising up from the floor. In the center of the room were these kids dressed in, what I interpreted, as school uniforms from the turn of the 19th century. They all looked very demented and dangerous, either staring blankly at the walls, or grinning an evil and crazy grin. A woman was there dressed as a nun telling them of the importance of balancing a check book. I remember saying something like, "I'm in the wrong place", and turning to leave. When I turned I was looking at a girl who appeared to be around 14 years old. She had black hair and eyes and tan skin. I walked past her heading for the door i came in and could feel her following me. Suddenly she ran up and bit me on my right shoulder blade. When I turned around to see what had happened she was blonde, with blue eyes and pale skin and had blood dribbling out of the corner of her mouth. That was when I wok up. I swear I had not had a drop of alcohol or any drugs. LOL

I was looking for a place that I had found before, and while I was riding my bike to get there, as I turned the corner something hit my right eye causing much pain while blurning and tears filling that right eye. As I kept pedaling I had to pull into a gas station to try and clean my right eye. A gentleman, a black man, asked if he could drive me to a nearby hospital and although I said no at first, he insisted all the while being very concerned, proceeded to put my bike in his car. Before I could get in, I found myself riding my bike following him. I could hear him say, just follow me, and I began to follow him. He began driving very fast and I couldn't keep up. My right eye continued to burn and fill with tears. I awoke with a burning sensation in my right eye along with tears!

I had a dream where in the beginning me and my mom were shopping at a store and she was looking at yarn and charms and we heard a man a few ales away shouting at a man and a woman. The mans shouting scared me but my mom seemed unaffected but alert in case of danger. after shopping we went to a hotel and we were on our way to the room we were going to stay in when we heard a man shouting again at someone. We stopped for a short time but we kept on moving to our room. When we got to the door to our room a skinny but fit man came out of his room and he looked like the man who was yelling in the store earlier. My mother opened the door and the man walked in between us and stopped in front of me. I tried to go around him and he kept blocking my way to the door. Then all of a sudden the man grabbed me and took me around the corner to a completely empty white room. I kept yelling and kept trying to make him let me go but he wouldn't let go. I yelled for my mom and thrashed and finally escaped his hold on me. I ran to the door of my hotel room and it was closed and my mother was no where in sight. I looked back and the man was right behind me so I kept running just to get away from him. I ran down several hallways and yelled for help but no one came to help me. when I looked back again he was bigger in more muscle but less agility. I ran from one wall and ran back knowing he couldn't keep up with my agility. The dream ends with me still running up and down the hallways away from the man.

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