I dreamt that i was running calmly through the beach and then running through the forest scared and January 02, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
A little backstory since I think it's relevant to a recent dream. The past couple of years I've been doing a lot of traveling and figuring out what I want, and what I don't, want to do with and have in my life. I've learned a lot and have been having a mostly awesome time (hardships always come and go) but currently finally at peace and calm with whatever happens, probably the most at ease with anything I've ever been. About two years ago I broke up with a girlfriend and it wasn't pretty. Recently, we finally had contact and while not necessarily patching things up, I cleared the air with full disclosure so internally I feel good about that now. So that's me currently but the dream deals with someone from the past. It was seven years ago and I had a childlike crush on a girl, I was 17. Probably as close to perfect as one could be but while I got to know her and became friends she ended up getting into a relationship with a guy who took her down a dark road for a few years. I was young and the crush passed like they all do and I never really had bad luck with girls so It worked out. I saw her a couple times years back but it was just small talk and not much else. So while it's been 4-5 years since I've seen or talked to her, last night I had a dream about her. I was at her parents house and we were close, kissing, and happy. I think I had just come back from another trip to a random country. She said she had letters for me and I had to read them and then decide what I wanted to do and find her and her mother and let them know my decision. I read the letters. They were dated over the years but they were never sent to me. She had kept them. They said that she loved me and wanted to be with me. As I read them the dream became almost lucid. I felt a sense of acceptance and salvation as I knew how she felt, after everything I had been through, experienced, and done, she had wanted me, and had told her whole family such, and it was a pretty amazing sensation. That's pretty much the dream. One of my favorite ones and the only one I can remember in quite a long time. Thoughts? December 30, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I was spending time with a girl (pro skater- leticia bufoni)she was smiling and pleasant. I felt happy and excited. She seemed to smile bigger every time she looked at me. I felt as if the two of us had been doing that " I like you , I know you like me, but no one will make the first move " So sitting on a curb out side my apartment (current) we chatted about my current gf. She said things like "your girl must be so happy" "your girl must be beautiful" In my dream I actually acknowledged this and a lucid dream began. (Or vivid - the one you can control) I said to l.b. "The two of you could be paternal twins" She then started to blush and smiled so big. Giggling she said something, I don't remember what was said but I remember the feeling. She did that girl screech when they get really giddy and then the dream began to procced. My choice of words , was actually my choice "Maybe the three of us could all be together" l.b. Became so giddy and happy. She reached down into a puddle of water to grab her white dog (no distress in the animal or leticia, both just giddy and excited. She then passed the white dog to me an I carried it inside (cute white dog) We then started walking back towards my apartment and my dream cut to a new scene. In my apartment now I was with a friend (male) my girlfriend was a bit agitated about my dream.(I felt I had told her about the dream and was discussing it with my girlfriend and male friend(whom I'm not sure) I remember a feeling of knowing the disscussion was a dream but feeling awake. Trying to describe a million things and reasons why I had the dream about l.b. (I know a bit about dream interperatation) she seemed to calm down and by the end of this waking dream inside my first dream, my girlfriend seemed to be coming around to either the idea of us all bein together in a relationship (not a horn dog, I'm a lover, so much emotion and love to give) or just not feeling threatened any more. My dream cut again to a new scene Sitting with leticia I became excited , smiling. We seemed to be at a skate park but just sitting. My dream shortly ended. I don't remember what was said. But I do remember a feeling of success, if my feelings could talk"it's working lmao" I remember feeling so happy. Like Dating your first girlfriend that feeling that you get from your first relationship. I remember feeling light chested. Breathing seemed to take concentration. As if the beauty was so enveloping I had to focus on my berthing to keep breathing. I would love for this dream to mean exactly what I saw. But I know it probably doesn't. I've had dreams about people dying and woke up to find out they had died about the same time I was dreaming. If someone could help me out with interpretation, for an external viewpoint, that would be great. Thnx A. B. December 18, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
Dream of beathing in the sea and there wer some huge waves and sometimes a good calm ' also some dirty waves December 08, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I was shot in the stomach but didn't seem to be in any pain. I lifted my shirt to see the bullet hole but I remained calm in my dream. December 03, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in a school gymnasium. shiny floors of the basketball court... red and white line markers on the floor of the court. i am standing in the middle of the gymnasium, the bleachers are full of people. I can see them, notice their clothes and feel that I know who they are... however, I cannot see any of their faces. They have blank faces. Like skin pulled down over them or something. No features, just flat skin colored faces.They do have their hair, I believe... though none stood out that I recall. In front of me is a man in all black. pants, long sleeves, and a black ski mask. He has a knife... a jagged edge knife like a hunting knife or something. He is repeatedly stabbing my mother who is hunched over and dressed in some sort of dress or long skirt and long sleeves. I cannot see my mothers face but I knew it was her. I start screaming and trying to run towards them but cannot move. All of a sudden, an old friend from school 3-12th grade friend, Cory was beside me with his arm around me as though he were comforting me. His face was the only one I could see in the whole nightmare. All of a sudden, my mother drops to the floor and lots of blood. The man swings his head up and looks at me straight in the eyes. I can see his medium brown almond shaped eyes. the skin around them was of a light brown color. He lunged towards me to come after me and I was able to turn and run - this is where I woke up. When I woke up, I was hysterical and as if in another world. one that I couldnt get out of. My roommates say I satt in the closet for three days. Rocking and crying and talking about my mother being dead and that he was coming for me. All I remember is that anytime I would close my eyes, it would continue so I didnt want to go to sleep. The next thing I know, or realize, or came to... so to speak... I was standing in the kitchen cooking macaroni on the stove and my friend was standing there looking at me and asking what I was doing. I dont remember coming out of this state at all. If three people hadnt told me and were all very serious about the fact that I had been in the closet freaking out for three days and nobody could calm me down or get me out of that place or state I was in.... I wouldnt believe it. I didnt think I had been there for three days, nor did I remember a lot of what they said I was doing... All I know is what I felt and what seemed so real to me to this day. I usually dont remember details like these from my dreams/nightmares... this one didnt feel like a dream... it felt like reality. people continue to tell me it was only a dream, but all I can say is that I have never had a dream feel like this or put me into such a scary and helpless place. I never EVER want to go there again. This was when I was 18yrs old. Since, my mother has passed from alcoholism when I was 33.I am 40 now. January 12, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I'm helping a big ship turn in a very tight corner of a building. a calm voice says " we go back the way we came". December 20, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
Dream of beathing in the sea and there wer some huge waves and sometimes a good calm December 08, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
It was the day before and I was getting ready for a dance recital. I was super excited and I was getting makeup and bringing pretty clothes and everything. The next morning, my mom took me to a cafe to get me cozy before the recital. We were in a big hurry then because we were going to be late and then when I got there, I was tardy but the dance hadn't started yet. I still had time so I was relieved. Then a fellow dancer of mine was welcoming me, and some of the girls were applying makeup in front of the mirror. I thought I should follow lead, but then I realized I had forgotten something major and had to go back. So I went back and I was in this secluded place with mountains near. It was like something from an ancient folktale with mountain tribes. Then, as I was about to go into a little private shop, a few people caught my eyes. They were, like, wearing gangster clothing and they had big beards and kind of looked like hippies. Except they weren't, because I knew they were gangsters. And as they began to stomp, slowly and rhythmically, through the surroundings, I felt a sense of impending doom, and I was waiting tensely. As I waited, they finally attacked and began to shoot people down. It passed quickly, and I didn't remember much of it. When the attack had finally passed, I felt like I had just woken up from a long dream. I knew I had been subject to a shooting, but it felt really surreal. And since so many people were dead, and there was a loudspeaker talking about how people had died in this recent shooting, I was confused. Did I survive? Or was I dead and just a ghost of my former self, pretending to be alive? Anyways, I was really incredulous because I had just survived this shooting and the news had just been here and they didn't even care about what had happened to me. Then I could go back to my school, but now I had missed the recital and my teacher would be angry at me. So I went back to school for a short while and didn't let anyone see me, and I saw all the other dancers and people congratulating them and I felt disappointed I hadn't attended. But I didn't tell my mom anything and we drove to the psychiatrist because we had an appointment that day. However, I didn't want to tell the psychiatrist what happened. I just hung around the hospital lobby for awhile and the doctor at the front was staring at me. I went to the psychiatrist's office for awhile, and we talked, and then I left. Then my classmates began filing into the same hospital I was in. An alarm went off and everyone was told to remain calm and go with their heads down and their arms covering their heads. The scenery kind of morphed into a school and I felt like we were waiting to be dismissed. So anyways, suddenly all my teachers and the students of my school were there. I was bending down with a bunch of boys near me. I think they were joking around. I saw my history teacher speaking to everyone and once, I caught the head of my psychiatrist. People were telling the kids to remain calm. November 30, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
In my dream I am observing myself at from a third person view. During my spectating I digress then progress as I go from being an elderly man in the future slowly trekking through my grand estate that is flooded with advanced technology. Next I turn into middle aged me running the chicago marathon. Thirdly I am in my early to mid 20’s and screaming and shouting as it appears I made some sort of discovery, then going out to celebrate at a party with many many friends and crazy college kids. Then it goes to infant me who is crawling at a brisk pace with a black nothingness background. Finally I see myself as a high school student and as I see myself walking away from school, I become no longer a spectator but a participant in the dream. I keep walking but now am headed to school. On my way there I am confronted by a man dressed in all black and smells so bad you can see it and he tries to rob me, but I fend him off and kill him. All of a sudden I am in a full out sprint towards school, and when I get there everybody is in the cafeteria yelling and crying. In attempt to get inside I discover that the doors are locked and I go to investigate why so. During my search I feel rumbling beneath my feet as a diverse herd of both rhinoceros and elephants stampede over the west field. As soon as I feel this I make a reroute for the herd that steers them away from campus except for one rhino and one elephant. After this scare there is another, as a bunch of angry assassins come towards our school. Headed straight for the cafeteria I think about going in but instead run to the schools medieval arsenal of bows, arrows, swords, and throwing knives. I grab as much as I and my recently obtained backpack, and head to the roof of the dining hall. I try to pick them off one by one at first with the arrows lighting some on fire and some not, but there are still twenty left as the cross over the road to the dining hall patio area. After doing so I grab my backpack and jump into a tree off the roof shooting four more guys with my green arrows. Then I create a mist of throwing knives as they begin to shoot at me. The knives got six more. With ten left I scampered out of the tree with five arrows penetrating my flesh from all over. I sprint to the rhino and elephant who are chilling near the basketball court to recover and get a drink of water. After doing so I go back to find the ten assassins had broken into the dining hall and had killed five teachers and holding everyone else hostage. I snuck in and acted as a student knowing they couldn’t have recognized me since I wasn’t wearing the hood or mask anymore. As I sat there pretending to share the fear and emotions of every other student, I selectively told people things were going to be alright and told a group of friends to go to a specific table towards the back corner. Then the assassins begin to threaten and attack students and teachers alike so I attempted to defend myself and others. In doing so I got shot two more times but took down six more guys. There was still four left. The four most deadly. Then there were sirens in the distant background, but it made the whole dining hall flash blue and red a couple times. Following this I realized the body count the assassins had totaled and instead of defending I attacked first. Surprised by my ability to dodge their arrows and attacks I punched one and kicked another. After this they all four focused on me as student after student escaped. During this confusion one of the assassins shot a student trying to escape and the twenty remaining stood still--frozen. Seeing it was a friend, I became angry, really really really angry. It felt like I was exploding with fire and then I started moving really fast. I defended against three more. Yet the anger didn’t subside and as I finally knocked the last guy onto the ground I stood calmed by the victory. With my anger subsided I stopped and then went over to the twenty remaining people who seemed to be heavily populated with attractive females and I carried them one by one out of the dining hall to safety. Afterwards, I avoided the cops and then rode away on a T-Rex with the rhino and elephant closely following carrying the girls to safety. Then I appeared upstairs in my house but it was black and the only thing I could move towards was the set of stairs that looked like they had no bottom. To satisfy my curiosity I jumped and then there was an explosion of white light and I woke up. November 19, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis