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Dreams burning

Found 346 dreams containing burning - Page 10

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Pulled a car into a gas station...or something. Ended up with a group of blonde people. I was in a volvo (I think). Wasn't my car. I felt like someone was missing. I tried reaching tam, I think. But no response. I was in some kinda house...it was behind the gas station. Then back by the station. I ran there in the rain with no shirt on. Heather pulled up and went into the station Then I was in a real life video game. Had to pull a lever and avoid a wooden man. I noticed a fire burning out of an in de script thing. I grabbed the man and burned him. He looked evil as he burned and disappeared into the flames. I then got scared...I think the house was evil. I ran to the car and it was dark. Then there was another game going on and heather grabbed a blonde baby and sat next to me. We didn't talk. Then I went back to the house. Cold and dark. Back to the car, it was back in and cars and trucks blocked me in. But I started the car and they all just moved. I drove away. I remember thinking...these people have me trapped..really scared.

Well everytime its the same n everytime im walking down a dark hallway hearing a lil girl cry so i try to look for her...the hallway gets briter and hotter the further i go in...so i start running cause she starts to scream but the scream sound like a a girl not a kid so at the end of the hallway i see a door n brite light coming from the bottom...so i try to open it n i get burned by the doorknob...so i kick it open and there is a girl in the middle of the room and no light anymore...when i walk up 2 her n grab her shoulder she starts screaming and then the whole room catches on fire and we start burning so i grab her and hug her as we both burn...but everytime i never get to see her face

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