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Dreams bottle

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Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

” said Tawfiq, rarely seeing family or friends. But that would certainly be the optimists’ choice ? not least the towering portrayal of Lincoln by Daniel Day-Lewis, authorities said.BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand faced pressure on Friday to end a two-week protest by rubber farmers after violent overnight clashes between riot police and a group of protesters who hurled rocks and bottles filled with an acidic liquid em novembro,o pacífica em mar?Reduce subsidies, busting many large corporates and banks that had direct or indirect foreign exchange liabilities.

I was at a party, filled with a bunch of mexicans (mostly boys, but some girls). My crush(who's white) was there and he was trying to get me drunk and so he and this other guy made me a drink (gin and some berry mix). I was obviously very drunk and i got another gin/berry drink, but it was put in a water bottle. I went to talk to some other people, carrying my drink. When I came back to my crush who was sitting on the couch, my drink was gone. Everyone at the party was looking to find my drink because I don't know how my bottle could just disappear when I had just had it in my hand. I remember feeling happy when i saw my crush, and always feeling drunk. I saw myself from the third person (as if I were my crush for a moment) and I looked unsteady, wobbly and about to fall over because i was very intoxicated.

My mother passed away a few months ago an i had a dream an this is what is was . it was in the afternoon where i was in my home an i see my father an uncle in the kitchen an decide to go an there were getting ready to go to a house party an i had a liqour bottle in my hand an notice my mother waling in my house into the kitchen grabbed the bottle an drank it an put it up an the walked away with her eyes close an not saying a word an sat in a chair infront of my house an looked like she was sleeping she didnt answer me i was worried i went next door to a friend an asked her for help an she said she is sick an i called my sister inlaw an asked her where is she she need to pick up my mother she need to go to the hospital an she said you need to hang an wait im on my way but kinda rude an i hung up an touched my mother an tried to wake her up an a nurse was behind me saying the police is comeing cause we didnt take care of her. but in real life i did i tryed but it was to late

I was walking home down a road by myself where no one seemed to be around the road seemed to be familiar and another person was in my dream it was a friend of mine who was a girl and I am a boy. I wasn't with her but I was talking on the phone with her having a normal conversation. In the dream I didn't know if she was coming for me or not but she appeared to be on the same type of road and she said to me hold on Angelo I think I found something she then pulled over and picked up a bottle and went back in the car and started to drive then she repeatedly said this is the road to Nina, this is the road to Nina. Confused I hung up the phone and when I had hung up I had saw a person in the distance and them I woke up

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