I saw this little boy...or little girl...I'm not sure which. And they were in a bath and they dunked their head under the water and came back up and their arm had turned into a second baby. Left arm. And the kid tried to drown the baby that their arm turned into, reaching over with their other arm to push it under the water, and it bit the kid. The next thing I see is the kid playing in what looked like some sort of really old graveyard. Just walking in circles with a little toy before weird chantings started coming from it. And I saw these glowy people come from nowhere, looked like old soldiers, and I remember thinking "hey...the good guys are here" and they circled the child and the child said something like "demons, come into me" and they repeated the command and finished by saying "we are demon" as in singular And this child said justice, come to me and the walls and everything turned bloody, and said winter come into me and the life was sucked out of everything. Now, throughout this entire dream, I felt a type of malicious evil that I have never experienced in my life. I've had nightmares before, but I've always been relieved when I awoke from them. Not this one. The evil I felt inside that dream will never leave my mind. September 22, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
At school my best friend and i were going to eat lunch. we heard forth graders yelling and crowding around something. the crowd eventually melted giving my friend and i some space to see. we saw a bloody baby hedgehog laying there. i picked it up from the underside so i would not get pricked. my friend rubbed its chin and it turned into a human girl. she was wearing the same uniform as us and she was very hungry. we went to the school garden to get raw veggies. we saw big beautiful ripe tomatoes. we were about to give it to the poor starving girl/hedgehog but the third graders were not going to let us take from their garden. i saw a tiny lean-to covering something shiny. i realized the label said crystle diamond tomatoes.....but again not allowed. then i woke up. August 14, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream of my dead uncle. I was walking down a street where i was shot. I felt as if i died and was taken to my dead uncle who has been deceased for 20+ years. I dreamt I asked him to help me and replied he couldnt and that I was gon help myself. He gave me his heart. It was bloody, i put the blood all over me and sat in a chair waiting to come back to the phsyical world, then my phone rang and i woke up. July 30, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Old town 1930s i am in house and there are two people staking dead bodies up in one room and a 9 year old boy restaking bloody garbage bags with human torsos and a foul black monster with rows of pointed teeth is at the front door i know its going to eat the people first then me so i go into other room and find a trap door and escape leaving the little boy to get eaten i tunnel out and sleep in the backseat of an old car June 29, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Ok so one day I was "sleeping" in my dream and I woke up and for some reason everyone in my house was gone. And then I went outside to go to my friend Julie's house but It was the middle of the night. But I was walking down a hill to her house and all of a sudden a girl about my age was following me and she was all bloody and stuff and I started running really fast and she just stayed there standing watching me. When I got to Julie's house no one was there either and then I went to her shed in her back yard and her whole family was dead and bloody then the girl was right behind me laughing and then she started coming for me but I woke up. Also I have a lot of dreams of my sister dying September 23, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was wondering around this town and people I knew where there but then I found out I was in Hawaii or something and I was just wondering around but then I started seeing normal people just die randomly or bloody people around me following me so I would run and then I figured they where trying to kill me and I went into this house and a girl with a white dress followed me in but she was like singing and then something went falling through me and it hit the girl in the stomach and I looked up the stairs and saw that someone threw a knife at me but it never hit me It was as if I wasn't even there and it hit the girl and then she started giggling and then spoke to me and told me she died a long time ago and then the house I was in turned into how it actually was and it was burned down because after the guy killed the girl he set the house in fire and then she told me to look around and I did and it all seemed normal the people there seemed normal and then she told me to look again and I looked again and they were all dead people some had blood all over them and others had no heads and I saw one girl that looked like me but at the same time nothing like me So she wasn't me but I saw me in her and she had her wrist slit up and then I looked for the little girl and she told me What I needed to know and she told me You're dead September 23, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was being drove around on a long highway by a man, his face didn't look familiar in my walking life but I have seen him in past dreams. We drove for awhile longer and he pulled into a parking lot that was surrounding a building built of bricks. We walked around when we where abruptly grabbed and shoved into the building. We stood there as a group of people shoved us down the hall into a smaller room filled with more people. They left me and this man who I seemed to be attached to emotionally in the dream. We sat down and he held me close to him making sure no harm would be done by our capturers. I noticed a man behind a desk holding a gun and flipping through a paper loudly I watched him carefully as I slowly made my way up to the desk. I smacked his hand flipping the gun and catching it and clutched it with my hands. I backed up and pulled the man I was there with up and proceeded to walk backwards to the door but before I could get any further, the man from behind the desk grabbed a different gun and shot me with it (it was a tranquillizer) I fell to the ground. The man who was with me quickly ran to my aid as I laid there he pressed his cold hand to the side of my cheek and held up my head and whispered to me about how everything would be ok, before I could smile up to him I blacked out. When I awoke the man who shot me seemed angry with me. He made it clear that he must teach me a lesson for trying to leave. He grabbed my arm and drug me to this room where there was a large white sheet hanging from the ceiling. He grabbed the sheet and pulled it down, there in a small wooden chair sat the man who I was there with. His eyes looked as though the skin on top had been rubbed raw and it was bleeding profusely and it was just a horrifying scene. I screamed his name (which I don't remember what his name was just that I yelled it) He quickly opened his eyes and this was the first time in my dream I had noticed them they where the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Everything around the eye itself was a bloody raw mess of flesh, but the eye was a faint silver tinted blue with a darker blue ring around the outside of them. The sight of them made my dream self shake, the then man who was standing next to me shoved me next to man sitting in the chair. I looked at him as he stared blankly at me. I felt tears fall from my eyes as I whispered how much I loved this man and that I will get us out of this. He faintly smiled and then I noticed a small razor in his mouth, that had cut it up pretty badly. I stuck my fingers in to grab the blade before he could swallow it and after I grabbed the blade his mouth started pouring blood. I kissed the man on the lips as the blood poured from his to mine, I grew angry at the agony they put this man who I seemed to love through all this torcher and pain. I noticed a bucket of tools and grabbed a crow bar and followed some of the people who did this to him down into the basement. I proceeded to smash there heads in with the bar as I screamed how does it feel?! After I had obliterated everyone I walked back up the stairs to see the man who I loved all better, his eyes where completely healed. His hair was shiny and long, his beard was neatly in order and his eyes glowing. He ran to me and held me close to him and placed his forehead on mine and fluttered his eyes so I could feel his eyelashes on my skin. He kissed me slightly and then held me close and told me he would never let me go and I looked into his eyes and woke up. September 13, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt my boyfriend murdered someone he worked wirh by accident so he tried to feame someone else for it i helped him clean up bloody hand prints and. we went out to a pub later with friends and family who also knew what happened September 05, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Dreams of Ravens swooping to eat very bloody bird carcasses, devouring all until everything was eaten and all the mess and blood cleaned up July 17, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis