A young man desperately in love with me that pursues me everywhere even though I don’t believe him August 04, 2020 > Read Dream Analysis
2 beautiful but effeminate young men following me and not wanting to leave me August 04, 2020 > Read Dream Analysis
Big black and yellow spiders in a pile on my youngest childs bed my 2 oldest ones sitting on the couch at about 12 years old was looking for a brown bunny for 2nd oldest lifted cover the black and yellow spiders fell on me and kept coming biting me I asked them to help they did not as usual so Iwas flushing them down the toilet and they were finally getting off me had red bite marks all over my neck and chest June 20, 2020 > Read Dream Analysis
I am outside on the street and see a young handsome boy with dark brownish hair and his skin is light brown. He looks like Middle Eastern boys. He is four years old, I know. He is with two other girls which are his sisters. One of them is six years old, the other I think she is smaller. I ask the boy: "What is your name?" He answers: "Ibrahim" I ask him if he want to come with me so I can take care of him and he directly comes with me. March 19, 2020 > Read Dream Analysis
I was on a boat that was given to me. On the back of the boat were younger people all sitting around a table on a sunny day and the floor of the boat was dry. But in the front, I found an old lady sitting in the cabin and it was rough and water was in the boat. October 15, 2020 > Read Dream Analysis
Recently I dreamed that my car was in the auto shop, & I was going to get it out. On the way there a guy gave me a ride & then invited me to attend his church. I said okay, & shortly after arriving at his church I discovered that a number of their church practices were what Christians call "false teachings". While I was there I also saw two young & very pretty girls who were both NAKED! This was not like any other dream of seeing naked people. Usually, I can't see much, but this time I got a PERFECT VIEW of them! Then when I went to the restroom I discovered that there was no door or even walls. I had to be naked in front of a bunch of people, but was not bothered by it! Not the usual for me. After that, someone told us that we had to get rid a lot of trash that was in the church. There was a lot of paper trash shoved underneath a table & it took a while to get it all. Next we had to clear out a lot of metal trash. We managed to fill a huge, huge trash bin. I left with the idea that since that church taught a lot of false doctrine, that they might also be abusing people too (think Waco & David Koresh)! I also thought I might should bring things to the attention of law enforcement, but doubted that it would do any good. Then I got a call from my mom (deceased by the way) telling me that my dad (also deceased) had been out riding my sisters bicycle (trashed decades ago) when he got hit by a train. The train people offered to get the bicycle fixed & my mom needed me to pick it up at a (different) auto shop. So I went there & found the manager in his office kissing his secretary. The secretary had removed her shirt, & once again I saw everything! Afterwards, I got the bike to my parents who were staying in a small, slightly run-down place provided by the bicycle insurance company. I woke up before I could get my car or get back to those pretty (& naked) girls. I should also mention that I am 65 & retired. October 02, 2020 > Read Dream Analysis
In dream was much younger & was offered promotion at work but couldnt decide if I should take as not sure if could handle & unsure if wanted extra hours involved September 02, 2020 > Read Dream Analysis
I walk from the upper floor, where the higher years mingle, down to the 2 1/2 floor. I look into glass walled study rooms. A girl I am interested in is there. She comes out and greets me with an uncharacteristcally friendly hug. She looks excited and relieved about something. She leads me towards the stairs that lead out of the building to a beautiful sunset over neatly kept lawns. Before we can decend she is urged by someone on her research team that something needs to finalize some details before submitting. She obliges and implores me to go ahead and she will catch up. I kiss the top right corner of her face and she rushes off with her team. I turn back the way I came to the open stairs that are white, unsupported, and look like they were built to replicate orbital paths. The roof makes the building look spherical. I walk downward and see some friends. I greet them without stopping. Something is on my mind. I have some objective, but I don't know what it is. The whole building shakes and the other stairs fall. People disappear without a trace. I notice a man wearing a dark pink or extremely faded red sweater with the hood up. He seems to be bald. He has a brown and round goatee. He is standing on a scaffolding a floor above me and about 10-20 meters ahead of me. He is armed with a rifle he needs two hands to fire. He sees me and lifts the gun against his should and fast walks towards an exit that leads outside of the building. I wake up in an apartment room. The walls begin at my hips. Beneath the wall there is just a railing like on a flimsy deck. I can see the floor below me. It's a hotel lobby. It's dirty and the lights make everything a shade of piss yellow. The door has a lock, and an opaque window that takes up most of the top center. There is a second opaque window that is as tall as the door on the same side as the lock on the door. Someone in the lobby came and asked about me. I lay down and pretend to be asleep since they could see me if I was standing. The man at the desk points to my room. The man asking about me is dressed in all black and is wearing a comically large brimmed hat with a red feather. He pulls a 2 meter long weapon from his suit case and aims it towards where he thinks I am sleeping and fires. It's less than a few inches from my head. The whole pours out light, white debris, and doves mixed in with both. I roll frantically, open my door and run as fast as I can away from the lobby. I exit the back door and see a bowling alley. People are bowling and buying booze. I am a little flabberghasted because just the night before it was a theatre. I remember following a young woman in a purple dress outside. She was crying, her boyfriend commanded her into the car. It was an expensive looking car. Her hair was done up in a nice looking bun. She saw me come to her rescue and she smiled and wiped her tears away and got into the car. Regardless of last night it was currently a bowling alley. The person behind the bar was an old friend. He offered me a beer. I drank a couple sips and thanked him before running out the far door and seeing my world. I was 20 years in the past outside of a thrift store wearing a varsity jacket and remembering when this thrift store used to be a bowling alley when I was a kid. August 26, 2020 > Read Dream Analysis
My stepmom put soap in my dogs food at my moms house. We were standing outside with our dog and our younger cousin and our stepmom. Then our dog started throwing up and it was green and bubbly. Then I said to my stepmom can you please help us. Then she said nope you go to do what you've got to do. August 19, 2020 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in some type of public shower, at first I was wearing shorts and gloves, there were other men and boys taking a shower too. I had to leave for some reason then I returned to continue my shower, this time naked. Next a small group of women with a few young girls walk in the shower, all naked holding towels in front of them except the one in front, she just covered her breasts and I saw her pubic hair as she smiled at me, from there I left July 18, 2020 > Read Dream Analysis