Understand My Dreams

Dreams yelling

I dreamt that my fiancé dyed my hair pink while I was sleeping and for some reason I got really upset when I woke up in the dream. I was mad but like a mad sad feeling because I started to attack him. I remember I would grab his face an repeatedly hit his head against the wall while yelling "I hate you!"...I started crying when I was doing that, looking at his face while I was doing that broke my heart. An then he ran out the door outside, in the dream I felt sad when he ran out the door. An I wasn't even mad at that point, so I ran out the door after him. My mom tried to tell me to stay inside, but I wouldn't. When I went after him he tried to run faster an even tried to hide around the corner to lose me. But I knew where he was and stopped him. I just remember falling to the ground wanting him to forgive my actions. Instead of telling I love him. I just let him go, i didn't want him to leave.. but I couldn't seem to get myself to say don't leave. I woke up immediately after, an I couldn't stop crying after i woke up

In my dream I am observing myself at from a third person view. During my spectating I digress then progress as I go from being an elderly man in the future slowly trekking through my grand estate that is flooded with advanced technology. Next I turn into middle aged me running the chicago marathon. Thirdly I am in my early to mid 20’s and screaming and shouting as it appears I made some sort of discovery, then going out to celebrate at a party with many many friends and crazy college kids. Then it goes to infant me who is crawling at a brisk pace with a black nothingness background. Finally I see myself as a high school student and as I see myself walking away from school, I become no longer a spectator but a participant in the dream. I keep walking but now am headed to school. On my way there I am confronted by a man dressed in all black and smells so bad you can see it and he tries to rob me, but I fend him off and kill him. All of a sudden I am in a full out sprint towards school, and when I get there everybody is in the cafeteria yelling and crying. In attempt to get inside I discover that the doors are locked and I go to investigate why so. During my search I feel rumbling beneath my feet as a diverse herd of both rhinoceros and elephants stampede over the west field. As soon as I feel this I make a reroute for the herd that steers them away from campus except for one rhino and one elephant. After this scare there is another, as a bunch of angry assassins come towards our school. Headed straight for the cafeteria I think about going in but instead run to the schools medieval arsenal of bows, arrows, swords, and throwing knives. I grab as much as I and my recently obtained backpack, and head to the roof of the dining hall. I try to pick them off one by one at first with the arrows lighting some on fire and some not, but there are still twenty left as the cross over the road to the dining hall patio area. After doing so I grab my backpack and jump into a tree off the roof shooting four more guys with my green arrows. Then I create a mist of throwing knives as they begin to shoot at me. The knives got six more. With ten left I scampered out of the tree with five arrows penetrating my flesh from all over. I sprint to the rhino and elephant who are chilling near the basketball court to recover and get a drink of water. After doing so I go back to find the ten assassins had broken into the dining hall and had killed five teachers and holding everyone else hostage. I snuck in and acted as a student knowing they couldn’t have recognized me since I wasn’t wearing the hood or mask anymore. As I sat there pretending to share the fear and emotions of every other student, I selectively told people things were going to be alright and told a group of friends to go to a specific table towards the back corner. Then the assassins begin to threaten and attack students and teachers alike so I attempted to defend myself and others. In doing so I got shot two more times but took down six more guys. There was still four left. The four most deadly. Then there were sirens in the distant background, but it made the whole dining hall flash blue and red a couple times. Following this I realized the body count the assassins had totaled and instead of defending I attacked first. Surprised by my ability to dodge their arrows and attacks I punched one and kicked another. After this they all four focused on me as student after student escaped. During this confusion one of the assassins shot a student trying to escape and the twenty remaining stood still--frozen. Seeing it was a friend, I became angry, really really really angry. It felt like I was exploding with fire and then I started moving really fast. I defended against three more. Yet the anger didn’t subside and as I finally knocked the last guy onto the ground I stood calmed by the victory. With my anger subsided I stopped and then went over to the twenty remaining people who seemed to be heavily populated with attractive females and I carried them one by one out of the dining hall to safety. Afterwards, I avoided the cops and then rode away on a T-Rex with the rhino and elephant closely following carrying the girls to safety. Then I appeared upstairs in my house but it was black and the only thing I could move towards was the set of stairs that looked like they had no bottom. To satisfy my curiosity I jumped and then there was an explosion of white light and I woke up.

Me and the people on my speech and debate team were waiting on the school bus to go back to our school after the tournament. My grandmother was there and she started yelling at me. One guy on my team stood up for me, which was cool until he said something mean about my great grandmother being dead. That upset me and I started crying and I got off the bus and hid somewhere as I cried. One girl was tasked to find me, and upon my return I found that everyone was mad at me for getting upset. No one apologized for the rude statements the guy who tried defending me said.

So in the actual world I had been talking with this guy I had never met over social media, anyways in the dream I went to yorkton to meet this guys and he's a Ukrainian dancer so I went to his studio and they all danced for me and then my friend and I were going to do our hip hop routine for them but then my friend kept logging into games and stuff instead of just playing our song and I started yelling at her and she just wasn't listening and then I finally yelled at her one more time and then I realized I was scaring the other dancers and I was apologizing and stuff but they all went running out and then I got really mad at my friend because I couldn't meet the guy. And then we went outside and this little boy walked up to me and said that my face was pretty. Then my friend went home to warman and I went to my grandparents house in duck lake and there was this weird guy there that studies skin and so he wanted to take some of our skin home and the adults wouldn't let him but then he was about to stab me in the chest with a knife but then my mom woke me up

I had a dream last night that I was in an unfamiliar house that I know is not mine in my mind but iin my dream it was mine . As I was walking into the back yard I opened the hardy and strong screen door that leads into the back yard . Outside it there were plants and shrubs with a wooden deck with stairs that lead down to the back yard. As soon as I walk out my dog runs past me as he always does in real life . I just it was almost simoustanley turned around my dog started barking because of a green ish brown snake was there. And he started to bark and try to attack it as the snake was trying to do the Same thing . So I sprung into action and help to defend and protect my beloved dog from getting bitten and injured . I was all so trying to attack it my self to get the snake to go away. I some how got my dog back into the house along with my self and closed the screen door. During this whole thing I was a little scared but got past it to protect my dog and attack the snake .. As soon as I closed a door a wild bunny appeared as it tried to get into my house I look at it with fear that it might get attack as well . The bunny turned around and it screamed in Fear . Again my instincts kick in regardless of what might happened to myself . I opened the door while holding my dog back so he does not get out side again . I opened the screen door trying to get the bunny inside the house to protect him but as soon as I opened the door the snake saw it and rushed to get inside. I shut the screen door as soon as the snakes head got into my house but I shut the door fast and closed it on his body almost two to three inches past his head . It reacted and pulled its body back . But the bunny was still there out there with the snake. Again I jump out side and closed the screen door behind me . I got I between the snake And The bunny and was defending the bunny from the snake. As it was now focused on. Me trying to get me now I got the bunny to get away . When I did that my family came out side. First it was my little 3 year old niece trying to come out side through the screen door as I was defending myself from the snake now. My got all the way out side and shut the door behind her too. Now I have some one else to protect and my mom suddenly came out side through anothe door leading to the back yard and walk to the side of the house where I was. Then I started to scream at them to get away that there is a snake. My mom asking me something that is as not paying attention too what she was saying . I guess she did not realized the situation that I was in I was pushing her yelling at her to get away from here. And my little nice was still in danger of the snake because she was the closet to it . I was still trying to defend the snake away protecting my family and my self from being bitten as it was trying to strike and hiss . I got the back screen door that I can out of open . I remember being scared and panicking while at the same time my instincts to protect and defend everything I loved. With bravery to do some that's is scary . My nice was trying to fight me like a little kid and wanting to stay outside not knowing the situation that she was in . I was pushing her back into the house hold my niece pushing back trying to outside. I was pushed she hard to get her back in the house that she fell over hitting her head on the door way I just keep pushing her to get back in. As I finally got her back inside the house she did not get hurt nor did she cry that she hit her head . While all this is still going I did not see my dog anymore as he retreated back in the house where it was safe. I shut the sort being my niece to prtect them from the snake getting inside the house and then she diiapeared from Site as she walk further away from the screen door into the house . I successfully protected the my dog bunny and 3 year old niece from the snake. All that was left now was my mom who was not paying attention to the situation I was pushing her to go away to prtect her from the snake the snake was still hissing and striking at me. We finally got distance away from the snake I believe it was about 1 or 2 yards away and I finally woke up from my dream. I protected my family my beloved pet dog a wild bunny that finally got away from the snake. That happened right before my nice and mom came around almost same time. Then I woke up , It was about 2:00 - 2:15 am when I awoke.... I am trying to examine my dream but do not know what it means.

Was solving mystery about teacher who was using human flesh to make protein shakes and he made sweets to feed to his students made from the corpse. Me and a couple of friends also Justin Bieber and Asap Rocky were paired together. I am yelling at the teacher calling him a murderer then security is called and I am being chased but I am running slowly so I stall trying to shove cakes in their faces. Then an athlete at my school whose in my 5th hour class is dry humping me to Rihanna.

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