I'm looking at a white owl flapping it's wings and hovering high in the sky. The white owl and I are making eye contact. There is a big tree between me and the white owl and there is a hawk sitting on one of it's branches. The hawk is looking at me, look at the white owl, because my eyes are staring at something in the sky above him. The hawk turns his head, looks back, and see's the white owl flapping his wings, hovering in the blue sky. I have a feeling of panic and anxiety. The hawk leaves the tree, flys up to the white owl to attack, kill, and eat him, but the white owl fly's off. The hawk chases him, and bites his foot off. I am running towards the fighting birds in flight. I see what is happening and I am trying to save the white owl from the hawk. I feel scared and powerless in the dream. After a short time the white owl gets away and is on the ground next to me. I am mending the white owls foot.The owl is going to be okay because I am there to protect him from the hawk. I feel responsible for the white owl, and I care for it deeply. March 15, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Flying white cow with wings and flying peacock in sunny sky, highly March 11, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt i saw plenty of angels in the sky flapping their wings February 27, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I remember being at a fair, it seemed like a really old timey fair set in france or london because of the cobble stone roads and brick buildings. It was at night and I remember the sky being pure black with white speckles spread across it randomly. I specifically remember a wooden ferris wheel, maybe about 15 or 20 feet tall. Instead of carts though, it had wooden swings and for some reason I jumped on one as it was moving. There was a really overweight bald guy with a black shirt on facing me on the other swing and I felt scared. I was like kneeling on the swing as the ferris wheel was moving. I remember looking down to the ground below me and being afraid. I got off and went to go sit with my friends Dennis and Danovis at a white dainty circle table. Dennis had a really expensive camera and was trying to take a picture of me and Donavis but couldn’t get the flash to turn on. I said I would help and took his camera and somehow went to the gallery and discovered that every picture on Dennis’s camera was of me which was really creepy because there was over 100 pictures. That’s all remember when I woke up. February 27, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream that i gave birth to a very premature baby.....it was not fully formed (still a feotus) but it was born with wings....the nurses took it away but brought it back to me completely wrapped in tin foil....i carried it around with me then i went to open the foil in my dream and i suddenly woke up.....please help as i am very upset by thos dream April 29, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
So I the furthest background it's pitch black..... Second layer is the sun.... Bright orange... But only half the sun... So, like a crescent sun.... Next layer is blackbirds flying all over... Erratically.... Out of the sun pops this entity.... It's like a lump of coal... Has wings and eye much like a bat... The eyes are blood red and it flies straight toward me... Gets centimeters away from my face..... And the feeling I get in my soul is scary.... But not like fearing.... But like it sees something I can't and flys back into the sun....... Then white dove start mixing with the blackbirds..... And pretty soon..... All that's left is pure white light. March 28, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
The dream that I want to analyze is the dream that I had when I was about 5 years old. It is a dream that I have never forgotten. In my dream it is the end of the world and it is raining fireballs. I am still only 5 in my dream and I am running through a city with other people looking for shelter from the fireballs. A group of about 20 of us find a beautiful church in the middle of the city and decide to seek shelter there. When we do get inside the church, it is quiet and peaceful as if nothing was happening outside. At the altar of the church is a coffin and slowly all of us walk towards it. As we approach the coffin everyone begins to stop and I find myself walking up to it alone. I turn around and look at everyone, and I can see fear in there eyes. I am full of curiosity, and I turn around and walk up to the coffin and open it up. And in an instant an Angel flies up to the ceiling of the church and stretches his wings and looks down upon us. He is beautiful and glowing in this beautiful white light. He speaks to me without opening his mouth and tells me that everything will be okay. And I believe him. There is more to the dream but for the sake of the assignment I will end it here. March 19, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt that, me and my cousins were buying a pillowcase we had a lot of money then the money just disappeared, All the money i have was gone so we went home and for some reason i could fly i was flying, then i saw this black cat roaming around, when i got home i saw that there was going to be a party, then when the party started we were all having fun when i saw my girl crush, i didn't know what to do she danced hen danced, suddenly i felt tired i wanted to talk to her so i came up to her and told her i like her and she smiled i smiled and then i heard someone crying i flew there, and i saw i had wings, but when i got there my family got kidnapped and so was my girl crush, i didn't know what to do so i saw this video about a man with no arm. May 15, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis