Understand My Dreams

Dreams tripe

At dance moms house having fun knew no one in line for food waiting James shows up and try's to talk to me I see someone I know and try to show them that the actual girls from dance moms are there then I'm on James hams street and I'm looking for him and I see a tent and he's in it in a blue sleeping bag with stripes, I walk over to the tent and lean on it and then he turns and wakes up and yells at me to move I'm wrecking the tent and it will flip I say it's fine and move then his friends come around and a tennis ball starts to roll down the street and I run as fast as I can to catch it, and it hits off a curb and goes in the air, I try to catch it and it just misses my finger tips, then it goes down the hill and into the street I look both ways and then behind me I see him and his friends and then I look back both ways and start to cautiously run and stop because a car is coming from the right fast lane and I bolt back a it continues off into the woods, I tried to catch a pink one I think his friends threw as well, they were walking with him and saying wow she's fast and stuff about me trying to catch the ball, then as I walk towards there group he grabs me and says I'm sorry I want you back I tried to lift up my shirt a few times and couldn't and I saw a picture of him trying with other girls and then him saying I want you please don't break me, and then cried and kissed me and I said James I love you and he said it back, his friends seemed like "finally" 

I went from being on my college campus to walking down to block and being in a major city, with city lights and taxis. I was standing on the street corner in a city and night with 2 girls, one of them was my good friend and the other was someone I recognized but I kept calling her by the name of someone else. So we were about to split up, and I was going back to the college party and she was going to the city party so I was trying to give my number to the girl so we could meet up later but I kept typing it in incorrectly for like 15 minutes. While still trying to give my friend my number I saw my cousin but she looked about 10 years older and she asked about my presentation and who I presented it to. Then this african song came on and everyone in the streets started dancing including me and my friends and I was dancing like I knew this song but I've never heard this song in my life. Then there was like some group or team of girls about 6 or 7 and they were dancing to the song and they had on red and black vertical striped jerseys and they started taking off their clothes and when they finished they knelt down facing the street breasts showing. Everyone was just watching them there was a yellow taxi across the street and a white taxi behind it and Mr. Feeny from Boy Meets World got out of the drivers seat in the white taxi.

I was in a canoe being guided by a swan down a river. she took me to a cove with white cliffs and deep green trees. there was a man sitting on the sand at the edge of the sea waiting for me. I got out and sat beside him looking out to sea, I coudnt look at him. He sent me over a red crab holding a red and white stripe lolly pop i took it smiling, I could feel the man smiling and glad i excepted. Suddenly we both heard something above and behind us .We lent our heads back and a gigantic golden eagle radiantly shinning was swooping down it grabbed us both and flew up into the blue golden sky. We were laughing and amazed. The eagle placed us on top of the highest mountain, we danced kissed embarrased then turned into a swirling plume of irradescent vapour. I came out saw a bear with a necklace of red berries around its head it was clapping, I felt shy then the swan appeared and said to me "Just take his hand and fly!" I looked at his hand and slipped mine into it then we took off effortlessly and flew into the blue golden fluffy cloud sky.

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