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Dreams toilet

Found 701 dreams containing toilet - Page 9

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I had a dream about my dance teacher and one of the student teachers. The student teacher was telling me off because I was wearing leggings which had a bit of blue on and they were meant to be all black, I said well chloe is wearing a purple top how come she is not getting shouted at. chloe butted in, I got angry and pushed this other girl megan over, she hit her her, I felt bad, felt like I was about to cry, but finished the dance class. I then went over on one of the rocking chairs and rocked to hard and it fell over and I hit my head then. I started crying, not because I hit my head, I was just feeling emotional, so then I went to the toilet, my dance teacher who was sat there when the student teacher was shouting at me , noticed I was gone for a while and knew I wasn't crying over hitting my head. so she came and forced the door of the toilet open and brought megan with her, she started asking me questions and I really wanted to tell her what was truthfully wrong (I have depression and struggle with self harm) so I asked megan to leave, I sort off got the point across to my dance teacher, then she left the toilet and that's where my dream ended.

I like this guys friends instagram picture by accident but it was an old picture and i started freaking out because i didnt want his friend telling him that i liked the picture and then i went on the guys account and i liked one of his pictures and later the guy was in my house and was being rude to me i said im sorry i didnt mean to offend you and he forgave me and he went into the bathroom and i went in after hm and there was no toilet and i was like um isnt there something missing and i was just trying to joke with him but he wouldnt laugh

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