Understand My Dreams

Dreams tape

It started with me unpacking all my stuff in my new cabin that i bought in the woods. i noticed that none of my three kids were there just me. while i was unpacking i keep hearing a voice that was telling me to go to this address. i thought my new house was haunted but come to find out as i was following the sound it was a tape recoreder in an up stairs bedroom say and address and telling me to go there. so i wrote the address down and went to find out where it was. i ended up in an old motel and went in the person at the front desk told me they had been waiting for me and gave me a room number. i went to the room and on the door was a note that said i was to help whoever was in the room. i knocked and there was no answer! i opened the door and my daughters father was laying on the bed with needles in his veins. he just keep saying help me please!!! he was shooting up herion. and then i woke up????

Two short white men lying down head to head they are tied and taped up. their faces are scared, strached, bruised, beaten and bleeding. as they lye there big black panther cats are surrounding and circling them looking at them licking their tounge as if they are ready to eat them. The black cats begin to growl at prey like dogs and it seems as if they turn into dogs, They begin to eat the men, you visually see them loosing legs arms,etc.They are being devoured by the cat/dog...its a horrific scene.

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