The bottom of a staircase and the large wooden ball I touch and I become larger than the world im expanding growing larhe huge in my mind June 16, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in a large house filled with people I know and people I don't know. It was for a show for musicians and I wasn't sure why I was there just that I was. Everyone had already showered and I was running up and downstairs in a bikini trying to find my shampoo and soap and towel to take one too, but I couldn't find anything. I didn't even know what room I was staying in. The staircase was red carpeted and kind of swirling but not round and a little confusing. When I ran upstairs it was the girls area and I'd talk with them a little and felt they were superior than me. and I'd run downstairs trying to find my stuff again getting frustrated and downstairs was the guys. And one of the guys I know in life but I never talk to him and he tried to help a little but not much and I kept going up and down the stairs and never found any of my stuff. May 06, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was about to go down into a very steep staircase but a lot of people were climbing there so I have no choice but to climb. However, while climbing I almost fell down but a guy helped me. I actually don't know who that guy is but he helped me then eventually he became my boyfriend . I don't even have a clue who he is and his name was not mentioned in my dream. April 17, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was at the zoo. I went down a dark, damp staircase to a cave/beach. There were abused animals there. A baby elephant was in the corner and a tomb stone where squirrels were. I fell down and couldn't see and panicked because I was close to the bugs. June 19, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I got robbed and went after the guy. He gave me my purse and laptop back and kept my wallet. I confronted hi about it and he gave it back then tried to stab me. I went back into my job and they were remodeling I took stairs to the bathroom and cod not find my way back. Every staircase I went down was misfires and slanted there were 3 light tunnels to the right and one dark one to the left. I.found someone and asked them for help they led me there a very narrow tunnel May 26, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Large winding staircase with a fountain in the middle. Fountain contained a door to oblivion. I opened the door and watched myself fall. May 16, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
In the beginning, my crush Sydd and I were watching a play. In the play, there was a guy trying to pt bars across a fireplace. The fireplace and the man started spinning slowly and by the time it stopped, there were not only bars around the fireplace, but ice sticking out between the bars. Then, all of a sudden, Sydd and I were in a room. It was a room I've dreamed about before. It had double doors that were obviously pushed open and it was storming outside. The funny thing is that the doors were actually like a window, about 2 or 3 feet off the floor with a small but wide set of stairs that led up to it. I went over to shut the doors but when I reached out to grab them, the storm turned into a room full of glass cases, the kind you would normally see jewelry in at a jewelry store. There was nothing in the cases, but there were naked, plastic baby dolls on top of them, standing, sitting, or laying on little stands. All of them were facing the door. I suddenly grew very afraid and walked up the staircase to go back into the room I was in before, only to look back at the babydoll room and find that it was storming again. Curiously I walked back to the door/window frame, only to find that it was the baby doll room again. This time, Sydd was in the room, so I felt a little safer but was still uneasy. Suddenly Sydd made the comment "The tree has crumbly leaves, which means there was a fire." I turned to look at said tree, and there's when I first realized there were two trees on either side of the doorway of the babydoll room. Automatically in fear, I left the room again, Sydd staying behind. When I felt more secure, I lookd back at the doors to see that there was now a yellow curtain with small, purple flowers embroidered on it, blocking the room, but I could still hear the thunder and rain coming from behind it. And just like the dream I had years ago about the same place, the doors were now doors you had to pull open... In the dream I had years ago, though, Sydd was not in it because I didn't know him at the time I guess....and I was unable to open the door/window at all. Yet in this dream, the door/window was open on its own, and Sydd was by my side.... I woke up from the above dream, and went back to sleep shortly after only to have a dream again that took place in the same exact mansion discussed above. I've NEVER had a continuing dream in my life....but this time I was taking a bath in a small tub, and I could hear Sydd's voice talking but I couldn't understand what he was saying....I could also SEE him standing a few feet away, far enough for him not to see me, but for me to see him. May 10, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis