Understand My Dreams

Dreams rust

My 13 year old daughter had a dream last night about giving birth to a baby boy and she said it felt real although she said that she was having a hard time giving birth cause the baby was stuck and couldn't come out but she said it was a happy and frustrating dream. She said that had to give her needles where they shouldn't be giving it. But when she woke up she was just shoked and actually thought she was about to give birth. She said that when the doctors told her she was having a boy it started getting exiting then all of the sudden she was freaking out

I dreamed that I found out that my best friend had apparently been cheating with my boyfriend . When I confronted her, she admitted it had been going on since August. I asked her if that meant that all of the pictures and texts that I shared with her she had already seen from him. She answered yes. She seemed very blasé. I was most hurt by her lying and breaking my trust, much more so than by the boyfriend . I kept trying to understand how she could do this and how I could have not known.

I dreamed that I found out that my best friend had apparently been sleeping with my boyfriend . When I confronted her, she admitted it had been going on since August. I asked her if that meant that all of the pictures and texts that I shared with her she had already seen from him. She answered yes. She seemed very blasé. I was most hurt by her lying and breaking my trust, much more so than by the boyfriend . I kept trying to understand how she could do this and how I could have not known.

I walked into this rustic style bar and all the chairs and tables were knocked down,i saw my son at the front of the bar with his back to me ,his fists were clenched and he was breathing hard,then somebody said oh no he killed four of them, then he ran out a side door which led outside , i stumbled over the tables and chairs until i reached the side door, when i exited there was a man blocking the way and he was brandishing a knife menacingly, from one hand to the other,i didnt have time to fear him and i kicked the knife up and out of his hands into mine, i stabbed him in the stomach and hurried around his falling body,i ran as fast as i could ,yelling out my sons name over and over,i knew he was in big trouble and i wanted to help him escape, i heard running footsteps and saw a shadowy figure ahead of me, when i caught up with it i could see it was just a shadow on the wall it was black with a bird like head,holes for the eyes and it had on a calf length cape that was blowing behind jt, in that instance i realized what it was i caught up to ( a demon) there was a fork in the road coming up and i had slowed way down away from the shadow it went straight and i quit running and woke up.

Me and my little sister are at a vending machine that sells stuffed animals instead of snacks. I tell her she can buy one and she picks the stuffed cat at the top, instead of the dog that I want her to get. So after she gets the cat, I try to buy the stuffed dog, but my dollar doesn't work. Then a salesman comes up to us and I ask him to open the vending machine so I can take the dog and give him the dollar. But he says no. And I say that I have enough money to buy all the stuffed animals in the machine, it's just broken so I can't. I tell him I could give him the money if he just broke into the machine, but he still refuses. I get really frustrated at him, and I start threatening him. He also gets mad and starts walking away. But I don't let him, and chase him down until I catch him. Once I grab him, we're on the ground, and I'm hurting him. But he still refuses to help me and my sister.

At a party in a bar, he sits on the vanity sofa and talks to me with his gruff voice, we had a promise made. bane of my existence. driving through town on a dark street, familiarly unfamiliar because all these yuppie towns begin to blur into,eachother and look the same after awhile. I'm walking down the street, near a park it seems, or tree lined street, a large hulking man follows and looms behind me, hungrily, menacing. i turn around and suddenly he grabs me, turning into a fleshy beast, with the face of a bat and throws me into the air with me in his talons. encrusted

I was working at a daycare, but not my usual one, one I was filling in for. It was almost in a summer camp type setting. I was filling in for different lunch breaks, nothing particularly memorable going on. I was walking across the dirt parking lot after just talking with boss and a car was slowly approaching from the driveway entrance. There was a Muslim lady driving a dark brown Sudan, she also worked at the center. She looked to the right before entering the parking lot. I saw a child walking /running freely as if it were a summer camp and kids were roaming free run from somewhere and was to the left of the car. I put my arm up to point at the girl and yell at both to be careful, make sure they were aware of each other , but I could get my breath out in time and lady turned left running over the child. It was almost as if she got sucked under. I ran over, people had gathered , the Muslim/nikab wearing women was asking what to do, like back up and expose child or leave the car on top. I wasn't able to give an opinion before the lady backed the car up. I ran closer to the child and others did too. I wanted to help I yelled out to call 911 but they reached her before me and I said I'd call 911 and told them to help her.( I wanted to take charge, but backed down ) I run and I can't remember what I used to dial but when I'd dialled 911the numbers kept changing after I'd raise the device to my ear. Wasn't able to. I tried my cell and a computer. Eventually so frustrated I decided to run to a business of sorts where a male acquaintance was. He was an ex firefighter . As I ran over the driveway turned to stairs and the child laid motionless on the steps a couple sand toys near by. I asked an adult passerbyer why I they moved her body. They didn't know. No one was helping her but my mission was 911 so it didn't occur to me. Ran to this guys house..was really scared and anxious trying to explain I needed to call 911. He was helping someone when I got there I waited 2-3 seconds then interrupted , at first he got angry as if I was being rude, then was annoyed I didn't come in screaming a instead of waiting 2-3seconds to interrupt . He dials 911 for me and hands me the phone, I explain what happen and hang up. I feel emotionally exhausted at this point break down crying and keep going over images for this kid being run over. Venting to this ex- fireman. I do at this point realize that no one was with her on the steps and think I should have stayed to help and got someone else to call 911. I stay a little while ranting and crying while the man tries to consol me... As I head back to the daycare center I wonder if I should talke the Ativan from my purse. I worried I look too relaxed if I do and people will think I'm cold, but if I don't, I am having a hard time managing myself right now. I didn't make a decision, but I made it back to work and woke up.

I was angry in my dreams at my father who turned out to be my aunt husband, I stood up shouting on a table . We ended up flinging things at each other , he began to have a stroke and then all of a sudden I had to go to jail and so I was packing my clothes in a rush , and my aunt drop me off at a car dealership so I could take a truck to jail n the truck wouldnt start so that lady said we have to go in a van , I ended up in the van at night with the lady n two other girls n the lady gave up these mini Ice creams that expired years ago like 1955 it tasted horrible. I arrived at jail late n the guard told me that I wasn't allowed to leave again n I began to get frustrated n sad because it was my first time being There. Then I ended up in a place where I believe my family were all seated including my dad n he held my had and all I really remember him saying is you wanna eat green beans for the rest of ur life n I'm crying shaking my head n my other aunt telling me I tried to get ur night /time in there shorter n I walked away crying n I was crying when I woke up

I'm 20 in college, I don't remember the first half of my dream but ill start from where I do. I was in this cage with a friend we were shackled by our arms laying in this basement jail looking area, some how fire caught on the wall from the paper my legs were free so I started to kick it till it all went away,some how I'm crying talking to my friend and I somehow send my mom a message on a laptop and says "help me plz come get me it goes blank then, I remember leaving in a five speed hatch. We were at some kind of school... I almost hit a truck omw out so were leaving me and some friend were are flying down this road as if the breaks aren't that good I keep it on the road till the last curve were I fly out the car and I see it fly off this hill. Some how my friend is on the balcony I climb up to check on him he goes inside this persons house I follow after I do I remember boo this is not my house so I run to the door and run out side, now I remember waking up with my mom in a car saying some man knocked me out so I get in the car and leave as I do I see a girl on the balcony just staring at me... It is night time probably very late . Then I end up in this huge building we are partying or something like that, I could feel alot of anger, frustration and annoyed . I see these people huge some small but scary looking not really human but the other half were . Then I fall with my head hurting and I hear my voice yelling and see images of evil maybe demonic people idk.. Then I fund my self at my house were in the kitchen five people three guys and two girls , my and my friend got in a argument , I told him ill kick his ass he was talking back so I slammed him I used to be a wrestler then we end up stopping and leaving each other alone.. There was more but that's all I remember

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