Understand My Dreams

Dreams office

In this dream, I was skipping school. For a short while and me and jared were walking and I forgot something so I told him to keep walking ..and I walked back to my house and I had a gun with me. And these 3 little boys were making sexual comments to me so I pushed one of them down cussing them out in Greek. I come home to find these three black guys running from the direction of my house and they started yelling sexual things to me as well and so I pointed my gun at them and they ran. So I come home, and the front door is broken open...and there's cigarettes in ashtrays in the dining room and kitchen. So, I call the police but they couldn't do anything. So I called the office people to fix the door so I could make it back to school. I couldn't find their number so I walked to the office and nobody was there. I come home to find this girl passed out on my couch with the TV on and cigarettes burning.  So I slapped her and said what are you doing? She starts yelling at me. I told her to get out of my house and I smash her head into the ground and I try to hold her down before the cops come and the office people. So, instead of doing it this way, I began to be gentle with her.  I asked her why she does this and if she doesn't change her ways, her life with be crap. And then Andrew came and we kind of chilled and gave that chic a home to sleep in

I am at a reception party with men who are dressed professionally. Andres sets up a table and covers it with a purple table cloth. There are two Arab students who are with me. Andres is dressed in a nice button up shirt, jeans and black shoes. After setting up the table he and I go upstairs holding hands. We get to his office which is very large, a great view because there were windows in the office. There is a loveseat, a large screen TV, and a DVD box. We sit together. An older man appears, sitting at a desk. He is an older man with white hair. He says my child, with Andres as the father is against his Western values.

I was at the doctors and I go into this room. Another doctor warns me about my doctor before I enter her office. Her office looks more like a lounge it's got a couch and a television. I'm not sick so I ask her why my dad sent me here. She looks down at the pile of cards with all her patients on them. My name is there and underneath it is says lesbian. She looks up at me and sighs and then just starts kicking and punching me repeatingly so I run from the run and she runs after me and I'n running around the hospital with this doctor kicking me and punching me as I go

Im in my friends car but another friend was driving. we were out trying to be like police officers looking for crime. we saw a guy holding a gun to the head of his older son. so we turned around and there was already two police officers on scene. the guy let go of his son. one of his kids came to me crying but crossed the street again when he saw his mom. the mother had a gun to so i asked my friend for her gun and i shot at the woman twice. i shot her and then the other bullet hit the car. we drove off but the road was filled with young poeple dressed like gangsters. i was trying to look for my dad but couldnt because of all the people.

Amy pole her dies and everyone is sad. They pay tributes to her on a tv show which I'm witnessing live. The tv show has a segment where a guy uses animals for comedy. After the segment and touching tribute, a slug escapes away from everyone's attention. I try to revert the slug with an obstacle, but I give up and he escapes and tries to eat one of the other animals. I get the attention of the host and he freaks. My vision is blurry and i run into a basement to get my glasses. I'm running through this office building like basement alone, and scared because I'm the only one here and that freaks me out. I finally find my glasses and sprint terrified back up to the people and the dream ends.

I was working in a clinic/doctor's office as a newer employee. I am currently a new employee at a bank, but medicine and care is the last place I'd see myself working. All the staff at the clinic in my dream was the same staff I work with at the bank. I worked very hard this shift, and we were open late so I lost track of time and stayed much longer than I had been scheduled. One of the older staffers, who i recently covered a shift for at the bank, praised me and was very greatful i had stayed, as there was an influx of patients as the night got later. Soon it was packed with patients and more coming in. Although we were overwhelmed, I was told to go home. I packed my things, singing along to the radio to Lean On Me while doing so (a child in the waiting room sang along with me), and left. I hadn't realized there was something wrong until I got outside. It was night time, people were running and hurrying and everyone had packed bags and family scurrying around them. Once outside, I could see I was at my university campus. All the commotion stopped me in my tracks, and I could only think to get home to my family, which I instinctively knew was to the right. I started running amongst the people, as they were exiting the campus I was pushing against them and running back in. Among the people running in every direction, I saw my mother (now deceased), younger than I had ever known her. She was scrambling, and I thought she would be running home, but she ran in the opposite direction. On my campus she ran towards the building that I am in frequently, not towards the clinic or the direction of home. I called out to her but he couldn't hear me, even though she turned to look. I caught a glimpse of my brother trying to reach her too, but he looked like he was running home. And then I woke up.

We were outside of a party/concert and a police officer said "I need some help over here" then the police officers started running and they ran through fire and eventually we saw that there were dozens of dogs stuck in a tree. There was some sort of smoke or gas, because all the police officers became high and didn't know how to get the dogs down, so the people from the party started helping, and we all became high too. Once all the dogs were safe, we went back to the party. I was still a little bit high, but I went back. Since everybody was high, everybody was out of it. But I felt like I was a little bit in control, but not very much. I felt like I could handle it though.

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