Recurring dream. living in a three story house on the beach. middle floor is always haunted.
I dreamed that my cell phone was ringing in the middle of the night. The number did not come up, but the name did. The name is a person I love but cannot be with right now
In my dream I am standing on a tall building which is located in the middle or river. I fell form the building and when I fell into the river its a totally diffeent and beautiful world out there like alot of butterflies, fishes and mermaids.
5 or 6 years ago, I had this dream where it was the middle of the night. I went down two flights of stair to the basement of my house for no reason. I was halfway down the hallways in the basement when I started to hear thumping sounds. It was quiet at first, but then it gradually got louder and louder. I could feel the sound behind, as if it was breathing on me. So finally I turned around, suddenly my environment was bright, like really really bright. Then, I realize I was on the safari and rhinos were chasing after me. I ran as fast as I could, but it didn’t do anything. The rhinos got to me and stomp all over me.
I had this dream in middle school. I was with some people that I knew, and we were in the basement of my church. We were all standing in a straight line, just listening to someone talk. I don’t remember who it was or what they were staying. All of a sudden water geysers started erupting from the floor. I knew one of the girls with me and she tried to drown me in one of the geysers. She didn’t and I went to hit her. Then I woke up.
I had this dream in middle school. I was with some people that I knew, and we were in the basement of my church. We were all standing in a straight line, just listening to someone talk. I don’t remember who it was or what they were staying. All of a sudden water geysers started erupting from the floor. One of my friends tried to drown me in one of them. She didn’t and I went to hit her. Then I woke up.
I had a dream that my dad and I were in a shed-like building, or something like a small area fenced in that was about the size of a garden shed. My dad locked us in it and we couldn’t get out. I turned around, and there was a huge spider about the size of a basketball. It was black with an orange design of sorts on its back. It wasn’t moving, it just stayed where it was at. I freaked out and turned around, and there were more of the same things. I tried to get out, but there were those spiders blocking the door, so I stayed in the middle of the area, crying and freaking out because I couldn’t find a way out.
There's this girl in my gym class I've had quite the hots for. But I'm a female and she is in a relationship. In the dream we made out and it felt like it was real I couldn't wake up from the dream we were in the car in the middle of a forest like area. We made out in the car then we ended up on the high way
In reality I was in the driver's seat and my friend Scarlett was in the passenger seat we're just good friends we have just started hangout over the summer. I was tired I was high from smoking marijuana so I fell asleep. In my dream I saw that I was still in the car in the same position with Scarlett in the passenger seat and then I entered drove into this road and as I got to the middle of the road there was blocked off and then I realize the rest of the road is pretty much is blocked off with construction materials laying around all over the place in piles creating blockade. So I pulled to the right to figure out what I was going to do. Then I realized full-size Nissan SUV also entered into the road as he got to the first pile of construction obsticle in the middle of the road it disappeared and the Nissan SUV just kept going and going and going and everything that was blocking the road was not there anymore and the road was clear so I followed it to the end of the road but it was not there anymore I don't know if it went left right or straight ahead just disappeared along with all the things that wore blocking the road. In a very low voice in my sleep I heard Scarlet calling me that you wanted to go home so I woke up. You know I smoked marijuana that night I was able to tell her in detail even down to the point and that the Suv was a light brownish color and it was a older model at least 10+ years old. Scarlet already had interpreted the dream in her word right away but I want to see what you guys come up with.
**He's a little back story I've been dealing with a lot of stress in my life I'm unable to concentrate at work I think I have ADHD I'm unable to handle multiple tasks at once conversations or social problems any problems I start to panic I over-react I bug out and I ignore it or just completely forget about it. forget about it.**
It was a nice sunny day, I was with my family, my friend and her mom. We were driving to lunch after church, but for some reason, we ended up at the huge stadium. There was a guy talking through a microphone and some people were singing in the background. My family and I sat down in some seats that were lower to the ground. My friend and her mom sat next to us. I looked up and saw people sitting on these bleachers that were almost 100 feet high. The bleacher was practically balancing on this 5 foot wide pole. It looked kind of creepy to be honest, but I wasn't sitting up there so I didn't worry about it that much. Suddenly my friend's mom poked me in the shoulder and whispered something in my ear. (This is when my dream gets random.) "Look up there." she whispered and pointed up on the high bleacher I mentioned earlier. (First of all, I am an Invader Zim fan right now.) I looked up and saw Zim and Gir (Gir was in his disguise) sitting on the far right of the bleacher, Dib sitting next to his father (Professor Membrane) (Sitting in the middle seats) and Gaz sitting a few seats away from them, playing her video games. My friend's mom told me to go up and meet them. I was so hyped, but I didn't want to draw too much attention to myself, so I casually walked over to the pole, and climbed these stairs leading to the bleachers. When I reached to the top, I dashed over to Zim and Gir. Zim was confused that this random girl (me) came over to meet him. Gir, on the other hand was so excited to meet someone new. Gir was getting all hyperactive and hopping around. My friend's mom followed me up, (but I didn't notice) and she said that me and Gir should get a picture taken together. I was all for it and Gir was clapping his hands excitedly. He went on my shoulder and we both smiled. She grabbed her phone and took the picture. After she left, I went over to Dib, Gaz, and their father. Was sitting down, bored out of his mind, Gaz was play her games, and Professor Membrane was listening to the guy speak. The same thing happened like before; I meet them and got a picture taken. After that, the guy concluded this meeting thing and dismissed everyone. I went down to my family and we all went home. (I know, that was super weird.)