Understand My Dreams

Dreams looked like

In a function type room with pews, you sat up the front which looked like the front of a ship. Alex and Rory were there. They were saying goodbye to you as you were going on an adventure. The people sitting in pews looked like a congregation, cheering and crying for you. Rory sat in front of you and was opening an ice cream packet, you opened one and gave it to him and he did the same. It wasn't ice cream, they were fish on a stick, covered in chocolate. You and Rory hugged and then you had a gold knuckle sign that said BAD MOTHER pointed straight at me, you were laughing and didn't look at me at all. My sisters Tanya and Rachael were there. Tanya wanted to be seen so she grabbed a large white box and stood on a woman's head, then the box so she could feel seen. I climbed up the pew a bit, stretching my arms out to feel free. I felt sad. All the books were dropped all over the floor and I walked away. Jemma met me at the door and we gave each other a hug and I told her I loved her. Then she said she had never loved anyone properly her whole life. I felt said and glassy eyed again and said "I have" and started walking. We then stopped and I started to cry. "I would travel around the world twice, just to find him" I said. Two hands swept over my eyes, but just before that happened I saw Jemma smile at something behind her. The hands felt large and so did the frame standing behind me. I knew it was him, I know his hands and the feel of them on my skin. Heart pounding, I slowly turned around... Then I woke up.

I was hiding in a house across from Mt child hood home because there was a demon living there. He mutilated several bodies and hung them on the power line poles. He put animal head carcasses on them too. I was Hindi from him because I knew he was killing people but I didn't speak up. Two officers came to my house and the demon had possessed one of the men, but he looked like the cat in the hat character. He told me it was all my fault and I was responsible for all of it and I was going to get in trouble for it. So I strangled him until he died and had to leave that body.

•Hiding behind a wall •cute guy and some girl were flirting •walking on nets and someone said I looked like I was dancing •couple were talking about me and saying I was hairy •I walked up to them and confronted them and they cornered me and said I'm ugly and have bad acne •while I was looking at the girl I noticed her makeup job was terrible * I acted like I didn't care and told them are they gonna keep talking cause I don't care * My friend pulled me away (Can't remember what else happens) •thought I was dreaming but noticed everything really happened and felt emotional and sad * was sitting at a table when a group of guys were sitting at another and noticed the cute guy talking to his friends about me and calling me ugly and my God brother was there * A guy asked if he wanted his cousin to fight me * My God brother just kept looking at me like he knew they were talking about me (I woke up feeling sad)

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