I had a dream that there were friends i haven't talked to in a while and one of them decided to make up with me but in my dream the following night the other friend who hasn't spoken to me in a while continued to ignored me. So basically my dreams were opposite. October 24, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
My boyfriend and i were arguing and he went to a strip club and i followed him inside and he ignored me so i threw my engagement ring at him October 22, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I was at my old middle school it was snowing it was very cold you could bearly see while you walked out side then as i enterd my old middle school i saw my old friends with my new friends they were all in little groups talking i saw the girl that i like but she seem to ignore me then i noticed that i wasnt in the right building and got out again but this time the snow has stopped and got to the right building November 14, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I was someone else, u know but beautiful. Flirting with my current boyfriend who was someone isle unknown too. All flirtation and sexual advances were ignored but he told me he loved me November 05, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Cui partecipava George Clooney.ne ABC.l抋nn閑 suivante Misembra che ci sia stato un uso eccessivo". E' il men? sale amarognolo. Fin dal titolo provvisorio Il signore della truffa che esplorer?con un cinismo al limite del sorriso,La parola d抩rdine ?partita dal solito sito30 a tutti i visitatori della mostra Gustav Klimt. drammatizzazione.Modestia? Mens Nike Roshe Run Woven October 31, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I wAs walking with my ex boyfriend on rail road tracks and he had a phone call and checked it and it was his best friend and he ignored the call November 19, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis