Understand My Dreams

Dreams i woke up

I woke up in the middle of a desert and saw what looked like a Walmart in the distance. I went inside and found I was welcomed to some music from 2014 over the PA system; everything was pretty much the same, except everything was free. I went to the electronics aisle and found a shelf stock with my favorite candies and snacks. When I got to the Movie aisle, I found the shelves stocked with Blu-rays and DVDs of all my memories, from my first words to new releases like my graduating high school and my first year of college to some not-so-great ones like me being mischievous or breaking a rule. I went into another section of the DVD aisle titled "Imaginations," Which had shelves stocked with many thoughts I've had over the years. Whenever I opened the DVD case, I didn't just watch the memory, But I relived it. It wasn't precisely revenant to the memory, But I had extra confidence and didn't have a worry in the world. I could return to any memory and eat all my favorite foods.

I was driving to get my car washed when I ended up at my Mechanic's place. In my dream she is my mechanic but in real life i don't know her. She jokes around with me saying I can't just show up to her place and expect service right away, that I had to wait (she joked because there was no one else at the place). I was about to say that I was in my way to get the car washed when I stopped myself and asked her out. She smiled and said yes. Then I woke up. One other thing - she was blond and I don't usually go for blonds.

It was a rainy day and my wife and I saw my mother in law walking on the sidewalk with her grocery cart, my wife saw her and told me to pull over and I did. As my mother in law was about to get in the car she noticed a pack of tortillas in the middle of the road so she went over with her cart to pick them up. She picked them up and brought them to me, she then went back to get her cart and her shoe fell off, at this time she was in the middle of the intersection trying to put her shoe back on when a black SUV ran her over. My wife and I got out of the car, I approached the driver and told him not to move then I crouched down and tried to pick up the vehicle but I couldn’t then I bent down and asked my mother in law if she could breathe and she said yes I then remembered I had a floor jack in the trunk of my car and went to retrieve it but I woke up.

Matt and I were outside like at a home but the back had a huge field where there were so many animals. We heard coyotes howling and then I saw one and pointed to it to matt. We watched it for a little and and then saw a little fox. It went to the fox and started attacking it so Matt ran over to help it while I stood back when he went to go help it the coyote started attacking him and then another one came out of no where and started attacking him. Then more just kept coming and it was like I couldn't do anything to stop it like all I could do is watch. It was so realistic and by the time I was able to react to it all there was, was blood and guts. And I walked in and started crying and you were all like wheres Matt and then I said he's dead. There was all of our family out here that was in the house. I explained what happened and we all started crying. Then we had a funeral for him here but in the place he died. Like we all went out there and walked over where he died dressed all sweet and I remember everyone being so sad. Then at the end I walked away from everyone back to the house because I couldn't stop crying then I woke up

I dreamt of an unknown dreamy looking guy who was working in his garden. The lady who rented me the place told me his name afterwards. It was Elias and she said that he owned the whole property and multiple others. He looked at me really intensely when I walked past him. Later on in the dream that same lady said he was interested and I politely declined because I have kids, she said he knew, but he wasn’t there to ask himself. I woke up right after. I never saw his face before and haven’t met someone with that name either. Now his face and name keeps on popping up in my mind.

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