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Dreams harp

Found 202 dreams containing harp - Page 9

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

Dreamed someone was chasing me with a knife shiney and sharp knife and i was running at times, then I would stop and turn around and fight the attacker -- who was another woman. Then I would run again and turn to combat. At one time I picked up some type of pipe-like object and fought back. This woman tried to stab and cut me with the shiney knife, but I always defended myself. At one point the woman attacker backed off and looked at me because other faceless people came on the scene and were all just staring at her, but surrounding me. Then the chase began again, but I wasn't afraid. I was more angry that she was chasing me. Then all of a sudden, I woke up. I wasn't afraid or upset -- just nothing.

I had the most interesting dream last night we went to a place and had to sneak around a bit to find the place we went on a boat which we had to climb to the top of the sails of and we were going real fast then it turned off the water onto a path it turned the corner sharply and then we were back in the base of the boat going along the footpath. We saw a few cars and a truck pass us but they were on the road which there was a row of trees between us and them. Then we came to a stop at the corner of a cross roads. We walked to the middle of these cross roads and got into a 4x4. Drive for a little bit then pulled over, and on the corner was a spot where water was coming out of a rock formation. It was pretty, but unusual for a part of a small township. Anyway, we pulled back a small part of the rock to reveal a gate. You looked over the gate and there was a huge waterfall, right in the middle, which landed in a small pond in the middle of a well designed secret place to stay. On the left of the room was a bath and shower, on the right was a double bed and a few singles. And there was another room straight through that you saw dining chairs in. Me being skeptical was sitting outside not looking in but when you convinced me to I did and was amazed. However after a little while I left the place, because I realised I would be late for work if I didn't find my way back. So I went out the now slightly broken gate, and realised I was lost. But because I had closed the gate, when I re opened it you were turned into a teddy bear and I had to buy you because the waterfall and everything else had disappeared. I was sad so I paid the money and took you and I woke up

I was going to school in my cousin's car as usual, when I came in there were strangers in the car including my cousins. I asked "why are you guys here anyways". A man answered my question "it's an activity from your school". I looked around and saw children there too. I said "ok". I kept talking and didn't notice the strangers were getting annoyed. We got to school and when I was about to get my bag at the trunk it shut close. I ran after the car yelling " my bag, I didn't get to get it!". The car kept going but the door opened. The men were there saying "let's just kidnap her". I got in the car and they held me there,captive. That's when I noticed and thought to myself "this is my old dream, I was drowned in this dream". Instead of waking myself up I tried to finish my dream and not get drowned this time. I remembered when a group of teachers would pass by and they did, in my old dream I didn't do anything but now I was slamming my fist at the windows trying to tell them what was happening. First they recognized me as a student in the school and waved hi but then they realized what was actually happening. Their normal teeth turned into fangs, I knew they were gonna help me but still I was frightened. They came closer and I got a perfect view of the mouth filled with razor sharp teeth and thats when I woke up, my body felt normal, I didn't feel scared just my normal me as usual.

Last night i dreamt in first person view. I would be walking around a random area in public and suddenly feel a sharp pain inside my mouth a throat. Soon afterwards I'd be coughing up blood and various blades/sharp metal pieces. After a few seconds of this i'd suddenly be somewhere else and someone else. I was no longer me but soon after the same thing would happen again. Coughing up blood and sharp metal chunks. This happened for perhaps 10 body hops and ended up me waking up sweating. My room was only 65 degrees though and i wasnt under covers. I have no idea what that dream meant and frankly it scares the crap out of me

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