I was lying in bed asleep, and was aware of a long, soft peacock feather landing on my right forearm. .My husband grabbed it off me and broke it in half. My husband also kept disturbing me, by pointing out owls in our bedroom. At first I was scared, then it became comforting whenever I saw another one. I also saw my husband's uncle in a pub, earlier in the dream.
Attended an official party guy I like there, lots of people at party seemed very official held in large room. I was chosen to open a performance and was given an over the top outfit with feathers sequins etc las vegas style. I came out to music dancing around and it looked like I was walking on water
Boy beaten up by thugs because his family gave a contract for work to another company. I stop them and then i have black feathered wings on my back
Waking up to a man in a baseball cap giving me featherlight kisses on the forehead
We were cooking a chicken but when it was done it still had it's feathers on
A bird attacks me and feathers all over my front
Being given a turquoise dress by an old teacher with stitched feathers lining the collar
I saw myself in my dream that I was in the forest and find the peacocock feathers and different kinds of birds feathers
Sewn feather design
A man on a bike was wearing a purple suit with a feather in his hat rode is bike all around my house.