Dream of a knock on the dooor my dead mother answerd the door and told me someone was at the door for me and i wen to the dorr ther was curtains at the door but the curtains was one side of it was torn and the other good, so i went out side and talked to the person and sit down and crossed my legs.which in reality my legs i cannot cross July 16, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
The grade 12's at my school were having their graduation party and me and a couple of my friends were there. The party was really crazy and I was talking to Victoria Borrelli the whole night. We were all at a crowded japanese bar and then everyone decided to go back to Adam's house. For some reason I didn't have a ride home. So I was walking home at 2 am by myself. I was so scared. I didn't know what to do. I started walking to where I thought was Adam's house. There was this older couple walking down the street too. I started crying saying that didn't know where I was going. The woman ran ahead and wouldn't let me walk with her. So i walked with her husband. And he explained to me why she didn't let me walk with her. Then we get down the street to the older couple's home and i realize i found adam's house! But it looked like Kinsey's house. It was really odd, all I remember looking at was the big front window and a view of her kitchen. So we get to Adam's and his whole room is a giant pool. There's hot tub's and everything. Adam was laying on a pool chair naked with a sheet draped over him, sitting across from him was my mom. Adam saw me and he said "Oh, let me go put some clothes on." Which made me think that him and my mom had sex. I was sitting with Adam when he came back and i pulled out a purple bikini, a orange bikini and a white one. And I asked him which one I should wear. Jordan Kelly was walking by and Adam had asked him which one I should wear. Jordan said the orange one. So i went to go change in this weird room with no doors it felt like it was a un-used emptied pool. The doors were shower cutrains. For some reason Brandon Hoskins was there and so was Ty and Troy Smith. I was trying to change and Brandon and Ty kept opening the curtains while I was changing. And Brandon saw me naked. Then I got out and tons and tons of people were there. I was super drunk. And there was this brunette lady that was there who I know because she's friends with my parents. I was so scared because I was super drunk and I didn't want her to tell my parents. She said "Hey!" and I was like "Hey!" avoiding to look her in the eyes so she couldn't tell I was drunk outta my mind. Then I ask how she is and vice verca and slowly step away to avoid conversation. After that I found Adam and we started fooling around by the pool. July 05, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in a class room sitting a desk in the second row front seat. The class was busy as if we were doing a project but I was the only calm one. I was messing with my right that give blew up and it must ve dropped and thisold classmate of mine from high school said. Hey I found my ring because it fell by her and I was about to grab it back in confrontation but my classmates from grammar school told me no don't worry I'll pay for another Ill give you all I have. It was sixty seven dollars even though it was eighty nine dollars. 3 twenties a 5 and two singles. I didn't want him to be broke so I gave him twenty back. Then All of a sudden im leaping through rooms one was white but a little messy with curtains flowing with the wind. Then there was dark room and semi dark rooms. . June 15, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
In my dream, I was at my childhood home, a place where I have always felt most safe, I was in my bedroom looking out my window, my dog that I now have was outside, without me, I never let him out alone or unleashed, but in my dream, he was outside, running through fence into pasture, at same time I saw one white wolf and one black wolf running side by side towards the house, I thought my dog was going to go to them but he kept running as if he didn't see them..then while in my room I felt something evil, I called for my Mother in my dream, she came in and said everything is alright, but all my curtains was pulled open and a shade was a little broken...i felt alot of fear of something I could not see, I then realized I was dreaming and tried to wake up, when I thought I was awake, I realized I was still in a dream, I tried to wake up, it was hard to open my eyes, I couldn't move, and grasping for breath, when I finally was totally awake, I sat up in bed afraid to go back to sleep...My dream i was in a familiar place, where I had always felt safe, my dog and I very close for 11 years, he is great companion for me..in my dream I felt fear and something evil that i could not see. April 03, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in a mental hospital. Everything in the room was white. There were about six beds in the room. I recognized a few people there. There was this one girl who was very strange. She would smoke anything she could find. She asked me to smoke with her and so I did. It looked like what we were smoking was the skin of a bloody finger. It was weird. Then I was in the shower late one night and someone open the curtains and said, " I used to like you. I thought you were cute." we ended up doing stuff. Then I woke up. July 12, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
My dead mother looking at me sad in the same get up in which she died.i am on sofa lying my uncle try get into my clothes.i am telling my mother can't you do something.she is just watching. I am shouting for help crying.my neighbours ran out to help.my husband says he is leaving.i am lying on bead neighbour is adjusting curtains. May 29, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis