I dreamt that I woke up and looked out the window. A crazy woman was pacing back and forth on my driveway. I went downstairs and turned on the news. A serial killer that looked like the woman went missing. In every case she was found to murder the family that lives in the house she has shown up at.
There's a guy I know who likes me but I'm not too crazy about him. In my dream he got a new girlfriend and blew me off for her on multiple occasions. I became very upset over the situation and woke up this morning feeling very upset still
I was at home and went into the yardage and there were ants and spiders everywhere then I was running around a maze from a crazy killer then I came in contact with ghosts
I've never had a nightmare in my life. Not truly. I have complex dreams with detailed and intricate plots, often including demons and foes who would do harm. If not for me. I am socially interactive and whatnot, but dream me is emotionless. I am, in dream, the most effective version of myself. Strong enough to kill off the hordes of zombies. I hunt the wolves that seek me. I defeat the fastest warriors. Battles of words. Fights beyond fist. Every scenario I could not do. I use others, never directly hurt them, to obtain my objective, I myself would not do this. I am "better" in my dreams and I destroy my nightmares. But, is it possible he is the true nightmare? A shell of myself, void of emotions. Using solely the most effective methods. Doing what I could never do. What happens if I were to fight him. His will would make me believe I would win. Then again, it's his will. I am him, he is me. What is he? Who am I? Could it be I aspire to him and he aspires to me?
Btw, I'm not crazy. No really. I'm dramatic but what are these dream. Who do I become?
I went to the carnival and i met the perfect guy there. He was everything i wanted in a guy; tall, funny, sweet, still sticks around my craziness. The first day we met we instantly connected. It was like we were already in love and meant to be even though we had just met. He even stuck around after he seen how crazy my family was.
I dreamt of my baby who was born a stillborn..first thing i remember was seeing a brightness almost as if it was the sun... this brightness was so bright it seemed white.. then i realized that, that brightness was the clear blue sky... it was so beautiful.. i looked to see where I was n what am I gonna see next. As I look around From the sky down.. what I noticed was what seemed like broken pieces or a shattered mirrors scattered all over.. then realizing it's the ocean.. the brightness would reflect n make it sparkle like glitter... as i began to look back up towards the sky so bright n clear i see a figure standing among some clouds, wearing white robe with looked like a golden rope around his waist and i knew it was Jesus himself...but then i noticed a golden yellow aurora like light of rays shooting out from Jesus... seemed to be the sun... he was looking down at something with his arms spread wide open smiling... as if to be saying "this is what is waiting for you soon" so i look at what he's looking at n first thing i noticed was my grandfather charlie, my grandmother mary, my uncle luther, my brother alan,my ex boyfriend s father Michael and a baby wrapped in a blue blanket with a white Beanie cap on his head. The crazy thing is all of these people i know n i was close too and they all have passed on n are gone now.. the people are my relations. They were all looking towards Michael happily smiling n interacting or playing with something or someone i look to see what they were so happy to see n and in Michael's arms he was holding and rocking a baby in blue blanket. He was bouncing baby n talking to him. In an instant I knew in my heart that's my baby. I was over come with so much joy and happiness.. my baby was perfectly healthy as can be. Michael is the babys grandpa n the baby is his first grandson he was just so proud. I then woke up crying not sad but happy
It was dark, I was in a field, and the sky was lit up with street lights. About a football field away was a jail like building with a parking lot on top that didn’t have way to get to it that I recognized as a school. I was standing in the field filling water bottles that were sitting on a white fold up table with two people dressed just like me that I never look at close enough to recognize. Coach Street appeared and said “the security here is getting like weirdly crazy”. Then I noticed a line of white bobcats facing away from us, but driving toward us. There was a security guard in all black driving the cart and another guard walking beside it. As the cart got closer I could see that there were to people in the bed of the cart. There were kids I recognized from school in the carts and they were dressed for school and had their backpack. They looked really sad. Coach Street started to walk towards one of the carts and a security guard comes up and stops him.
I had so many bad dreams tonight. The first one:
I took my step daughter Emily and my baby son (around 8m old and I don't have kids) to the prospect park to the ice skating rink. Emily went for
Ice skating lesson and I was caring the baby. We were waiting for Mitch and far away I saw him with a woman in
The forest ... I open
A glass door and I went to them he hug her and kiss her like a goodbye. When I
Got to them he said to me WHAT?. They looked at me and my
Baby with bad eyes. Like I was the servant like garbage.
She was tall hair in a puny tail, wearing jeans and a black blouse. Then one of my sister in law came to us and she said to me ... Don't worry I will fix it, and she took Mitch with her. He was like in other world.
The second one I was trapped in a room with low windows and outside there was a big vulture. It was like a fabric and the culture was trying to catch and eat a little beautiful owl. The owl went outside and so many animals were trying to attack him I saw the little owl trying to fly and same his life and I was calling him to fly where I was because I feel could help him to heal and protect him.
The thirds one I was in the house where I was raised and it was a woman spirit trapped in a room ( black short hair wearing a red top and jeans ) the room was my brother room ... A black witch woman did poison Mitch. I was trying to look for him and trying to take him away from her. This woman had so many kids and the room they all where living together was a mess smelly disgusting garbage place and the spirit inside sad scare of the witch woman. It was a BBQ and I was looking for Mitch and I couldn't find him. Mid while I saw my old friends from church and my
Sisters. My
Old friend fed me with meat. After that I told to one of my
Sister about what happened to Mitch . She gave me a key to open
The door of the dirty room. I went there, I opened the door and I took the spirit out... It was crazy one laughing and turning evil then crying and then sad. I heard Mitch and the woman and all the kids came
Back and I returned the spirit back. I saw Mitch wearing a bandage around his head and
A neck protection and more bandages he
Was like zombie I followed him to a basement dark just lighting with candles and my sister was there and all my brothers (4 of them the men ones) and my sister said to me that I couldn't stay. She said they will bring him back to me. They were about to
Do and exorcism ... Then I woke up.
Mitch is my couple. We live together.
Crazy, crazy dream. ~ there were people breaking in, but it was not my home, it was a place of worship and they were coming into the offices. They wanted books, Bibles, they seemed to be looking for something they did not have. They seemed to be Christians, but something was wrong about them. Their Faith was weak and they seemed fake. (remember its a dream). They got violent when told to wait and it would be shown to them, they need not look for an answer.
They started tearing the up building, looting and screaming.
I stood up on a desk and my voice got really soft and deep. (I was prophesying)
I told them, children why are you so afraid? Stand in the Faith you once had. Stop seeking answers that God has already given you ONCE. He does not need to speak it again, STAND IN YOUR FAITH!
Many of them walked away. Those of us left, began to cry and then a waive of praise swept over us!
A dream...so real.
I was driving and I had my mom and my meemaws with me and them somehow Iappeared with the two inside of my deceased grandmothers house. We were by a hospital like bed in the family room and the light coloring was like a greenish blue instead of the regular lighting. On the hospital bed, was my deceased grandmother's which I thought was lifeless. For some reason in the dream, they were wanting to keep her body there until the funeral service people were to come get her body the next day. My meemaws was beside me freaking out. My mom was grabbing something while I tried calming my Meemaws down. Every time I looked over at the body, something was different. Her one eye was slightly open. Her head kept slightly moving over to where it was facing up and by the time we were ready to go she was standing and looking at us with her made up fave and curly perked hair. Before I woke up she was giving me this crazy evil look...