In my dream I am in the middle of nowhere with a large group of people. The only near landmark is a gas station about a half mile away. I am by a fence which has nine figures lined up against it. The figures are large and have human and animal characteristics. In the confusion a man announces to the crowd "Choose your God so the ceremony can begin." I don't understand what's going on so I choose no figure to stand by. All of a sudden the figures come to life. As people begin walking away with their gods I am tripped and I fall into a kneeling position. What appeared as a bow was me attempting to stand up when all of a sudden I see a large daunting figure in front of me. He has the head of an ox carved out of wood for everything above his shoulders. The rest of him is a sturdy and well bit man like body. he grabs me by the legs and drags me away from the crowd. He pushes me to ground as I try to stand up. He places a cup on the ground begins to pour a flammable and toxic liquid on me and into the cup. When I attempt to drink it I vomit. He sets the liquid on fire, catching me a flames. The flames go out as quickly as they began. I try numerous times to drink but I fail. All of a sudden I am horrified to see the figure dousing me with his own ejaculation. It doesn't seem to end. :( I look behind him to see my father motioning for me to escape. He is at that gas station that was mentioned earlier. I empty out the cup and attempt to drink the liquid one last time. I set the ground around us on fire. I make a run for my father the get away car...I woke up before knowing if I had escaped. April 12, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream about a ceremony atop the vortex of powerful stone mountain March 24, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
My name is Elina and i am 19 years old. I have been living with my boyfriend , who is the same age as me, for the latest 1,5 years and last night i had the strangest dream of all. I dreamt that i was getting married to a celebrity who is 23 years old in reality. I dreamt that i was in love with him but when we had the after-the-ceremony party suddenly i felt a confusion because i questioned myself about my real boyfriend . I was like: ''what have i done? what has become of my real boyfriend ? how did i end up like this?''. After that i dreamt that i was in university (in which i have been for two semesters until now) and that i had feelings for another guy, also near my age. Suddenly, when that guy approached me i felt empty once more wondering about my real-life boyfriend and could not make any move. Can somebody please tell me what is going on with me and my dream? I love my boyfriend very much and i have never cheated on him. So what is the source of these dreams? Last but not least, i have been having dreams like this for the latest three days but in every single one of them i have feelings for someone else and when this someone approaches me i always take a step back and question myself about my real boyfriend . Please help me!! March 13, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was at a ceremony of someone at the church opposite my house i quickly went home to take something at home but when i open the door and went in the floor start to faal apart full of hole and dirty drain runing under the floor. my sister advice me to claim so that i can get money but i was thing twice of it. March 25, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was at this hotel with a water park kind of whole family was there for my uncles was a indian wedding ceremony...i was at the pool with this statue that stood high above the pool and a little girl got stuck so i went to save her....i slowly lowered her to the ground then when i was going to lower myself down my uncle said behind me "i guess your jumping" and i was pushed into the pool with all my clothes on and a hat...when i landed in the water my hat came off and my hair was perfect but wet and when i looked up there was this really cute boy standing there smiling at me with his friends...i got nervous and swam to the other side of the pool and got out...i walked down a hill then to my uncles trailer and sat there getting stuff ready for the cermony and reception..when it was all set people started to come down there was alchol and soda all around then i saw my dad and he started talking to me about my sister and her wanting to dance with him...i told him i didnt know anything so i walked up to the pool again hoping to see the boy again and when i was about to see him my dream ended March 17, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Going to a ceremony and have not been served for food while others are eating February 24, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
When you dream seeing yourself sweeping a hall to be used for a ceremony January 08, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was at a wedding ceremony at a church then i looked out the window and a guy walked passed by he looked at me i looked away, when the ceremony ended everyone was leaving then my cousin was sitting next to me as we were leaving the guy was staring at me again then he came over and hugged my cousin and walked off i asked if she knew him and she goes yes his gonna be my next boyfriend after her current one. January 06, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis