Understand My Dreams

Dreams brain

I go to my high school reunion, with a pizza delivery run still in my car. I hate everyone that I see, get angry when they cut me off as I'm leaving. There are so many flash mob dance scenes, directed by the two most popular girls of my graduating class. I get back on track with work, get back to my store, only to find out that my manager has died, either from a heart attack or a brain aneurism. When I go to talk to her family, give them my condolences, they all say the same thing on three separate occasions: "I know."

I had a dream the world was a dictatorship and Anderson Cooper gave me a baby and said it would save us all. I went to the store to buy the baby some supplies and a girl from high school turned me into the authorities. I was sent to a camp where they brainwashed people by feeding them only pancakes. There were tours of the camp by outsiders and at one point I saw my family and my boyfriend and he was ignoring me. I then pretended to laugh at something so the people would think I was normal and then I couldn't help myself and started sobbing and crying. I woke up and I was actually crying,

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