My best friend told me i was the godfather of his child. I was overwhelmed with the responsibility and honor of this. I started to cry because someone cared.
I was planning my best friend's wedding. My friends and I were planning a trip to Pakistan to do all of the shopping. Then, it fast forwarded to a few days before the wedding where we were doing dance rehearsals. And it ended.
My two best friends and I were in Caramut and we got kidnapped by very cute boys
Women wishpering about there best friend
I'm about to train my childhood best friend in the ocean. My mother doesn't want me too because she does not think it is safe. I tell her the ocean water is calm.
My niece and her best friend both had almost the same exact dream about a demon in their house at the bottom of the stairs and then they run to their fathers.
Her friend ran to her father for help , my niece ran to her father to protect him. The demon felt the same and looked the same in both dreams.
They both want to know what does this mean?
Inside a cave that had a waterfall and Clift, me and 4 girls who were considered best friends were checking out. In the water at the end of the waterfall there was a killer whale. When we were in a canoe in the water, one by one each of the girls fell off and the whale ate them. Eventually I was the only one left, and the whale pushed me to the shore. At that point I woke up
I’m with my old best friends who I don’t talk to in real life at a supermarket either pregnant or just had a baby and I meet this guy where it is love at first sight but he leaves and I’m bummed but then he comes right back in and helps me go shopping but then becomes a little too possessive or controlling and gets mad that I wondered off and went to the bathroom without telling him or going with someone so I try to sneak away
I had a dream about living in a mansion with my best friend
Me and my best friend were followed by two attractive boys down a hill in my village. we went into the village and were in the shops and they started talking to us and they were in a west end musical.