Understand My Dreams

Dreams and my mom

I was at church with my mom, after church we was standing outside a woman came up to my mom and told her that she the woman always trippin at Sonic a fast food place and my mom laughed and walk off I was looking across the parking lot and a man was talking and I saw him with a gun in his hand, he started running towards the church entry and I started running into the church I was trying to find a room where the door lock he ended up running past me and I saw some people up stairs

I was at Home Depot standing on an electric rug that can shock people and this guy was plugging it in. Then some lady who worked there told me to get of so i dont get shocked. When i walked of it i saw my boyfriend who was Daryl Dixon, my boyfriend and i went into the back and had sex in a shower, when i came outside to my mom who was waiting for me in her van. When i got in she asked me why i was wet and i told her that my boyfriend hugged me and didnt want my mom to snell him so i took a shower. We left and something happened, so we ended up walking it the woods and my mom spotted a quiver then i spotted a hunting rifle, i picked it up and we kept walking. Then we found 5 deer and i shot a doe. But we left it on the ground and continued walking to the back of a small white church and a couple who was getting married threw black and white invitations at us i ran over them and ruined them. When i got to the back of the church there was a picnic table and a employee from Home Depot he was wearing nylons and a blue shirt he hugged me and i didnt like it he said i was shy then i went over to my boyfriend and hugged him

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