In my dream I lived with an African family in Kenya. We lived in a very small hut-like house and there weren’t very many other families around. There also weren’t a lot of buildings or paved roads. We lived very far away from the village and it was a lot of hard work to keep the family going. I couldn’t go to school every day and when I could, it was a really long and tiring walk. We laid in mud-water to relax and even though it seemed like a really hard life the family seemed pretty happy. November 05, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream where I was playing a game with my boyfriend and his African American friend in a store my boyfriend owned. I deeply despise his friend. While my boyfriend was not around I kiss the friend. It was one of the most passionate kisses I've ever experienced. After the friend left I felt really guilty and sad. But I still planned on kissing the friend again. Soon afterwards I woke up. February 14, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Dreamt was with a pastor of a church (I know the pastor) not recognise the church. We became a couple. Their was a large congregation and I sat with a woman in national costume (pastor comes from south africa think that is where it is). short curtains in fornt were closed by someone but then they were opended again so we could see and experience the service. I looked over to the left and there and there was no wall to the building I could see a forest and then a large waterfall don't know if rainfall or a waterfall. before that the earth shook as an earthquake tremor was felt. December 07, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I was being followed by an african man driving a grey car with blue stripe, ran to my grandparents house to hide. spent the night in the front room with nan and cousin, old people from caribbean came round to play dominoes. left the house early morning thinking it was safe but man was waiting for me. had to run up the road to dad's car December 04, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I'm entering a church with many people. We are walking one behind the other. We pass near a brightly lit candle and when I come near the candle it goes out. I'm surprise. Then we all go down a flight of stairs toward the alter. An African priest dressed in a white robe is waiting for to speak to us but says nothing. I wake up... November 16, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I enter into a church. I'm walking with many people. We are walking one behind the other. One by one we stop next to a lit candle. The candle is shining very brightly but when I arrive next to the candle it goes out. I'm surprise. Then, we all go down a flight of stairs toward the front of the church. An African priest is waiting to speak to us but he doesn't. The priest is dressed in a very white robe. I wake up. What does all that mean? November 16, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis