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Dreams me in

Found 3,733 dreams containing me in - Page 79

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

A male spirit came for me and said he was taking me to two angels who needed me for some reason, the person who was taking me to them wasnt allowed in to the room with me so I had to go in on my own as I got near the room there was 2 angels waiting for me  a male one and a female one, i could hear them talking and saying my name then they was telling me to come into the classroom like room, when I went in just before I could see there faces my nan who is in the spirit world came from nowhere and pushed my backwards and shouted "no claire its time to wake up now." Then i actually did wake up

I was holding a baby showing the child off to people who were around me in what looked like a living room. Cradling the child in my arms I excused myself from the main room and walked through a hallway towards a bedroom. Josh was in the room with a few guys and they were playing video games and talking, just hanging out. I said something but I am unsure of what I said precisely. Josh looked at me, glanced at the child and replied with a nod. I left the room and then the scene switched. The child was a female, approximately seven years old, and she was running around at her birthday party. I was sad but I wasn’t given a clue as to the reason why I was sad. I just sat there on a bench outside staring down at the grass and only looking up to smile when the child would ask for me to look. I never was able to clearly look at her face. The scene switched. I was in a house, another party. I was holding a tray of mini sandwiches and talking to all the people who were there. Everyone seemed happy. Then I saw her. Same height as me, long red hair with streaks of black that she no doubt added herself, small petite frame with a round face, pale skin, freckles. She resembled both me and Josh. She was beautiful and she was mine. I put my arms around her and kissed her cheek. She said to me, “Mom, it’s ok, I love you!” I pulled away and looked at her. So gorgeous. Then it hit me. Josh was not here nor had he been for a long time. He was gone. It was never made clear why he wasn’t present anymore.

Four o'clock comes. Leaving me in dry sweats accompanied by uneasy breathing. I find myself searching the room as if this man were still in my presence. The strong, yet easy echo of his words still ringing in my ears. Disoriented I lay there unwilling to move, welcoming the cool breeze of the fan as it caresses my face. "Come with me, I'll show you the way" I couldn’t see his face, but there was a hint of a smile to his voice. His hand extended towards mine. As I lay sprawled on the floor with no clear memory of how I had gotten there. I was beaten, and I was afraid. Cautiously I looked for him, but still only found his hands - "But, I cant see you." I stated. "You don’t need to, just trust me." He replied. Our hands meet with some confusion, but he draws me towards him with impressive strength. This is where i wake up. My blood rushing from adrenaline, it was comfortable, and dangerous in one. For when gentle sins meet one another, worlds collide. when he starts speaking is where my dream starts, the part I remember anyway. And the last sentence I swear that I heard his same melodic voice whiper it to me after I had already woken. Also, it might help you know that I lucid dream, most of the time unwilling,

I was running from the cops in my old neighborhood and went to my ex's parents house and at first when I knocked on the glass slider they didn't hear me. so I knocked harder and my ex and his dad let me in. I was breathing so hard because I ran the whole way there. I then decided to leave and try to run home since I only lived two streets over. I got about a street over and saw a cop car and layer in somebody's lawn. I decided that the safest place for me was at my ex's house with him and his parents. When I went back it was just my ex that was awake and he took me in and calmed me down. I saw a wolf outside the window and pointed it out to him. He said it was raccoon. Then I explained that the police were coming for me and that I was innocent. He took me to the basement where his room used to be and let his mother know what was going on. He then held me tight and kept me calm. The police came looking for me and his mother handled it and covered for me!

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