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Dreams me in

Found 3,733 dreams containing me in - Page 71

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

I was angry in my dreams at my father who turned out to be my aunt husband, I stood up shouting on a table . We ended up flinging things at each other , he began to have a stroke and then all of a sudden I had to go to jail and so I was packing my clothes in a rush , and my aunt drop me off at a car dealership so I could take a truck to jail n the truck wouldnt start so that lady said we have to go in a van , I ended up in the van at night with the lady n two other girls n the lady gave up these mini Ice creams that expired years ago like 1955 it tasted horrible. I arrived at jail late n the guard told me that I wasn't allowed to leave again n I began to get frustrated n sad because it was my first time being There. Then I ended up in a place where I believe my family were all seated including my dad n he held my had and all I really remember him saying is you wanna eat green beans for the rest of ur life n I'm crying shaking my head n my other aunt telling me I tried to get ur night /time in there shorter n I walked away crying n I was crying when I woke up

It was the last day of school and our last lesson was science. When I got to the science floor I noticed than I saw a radioactive team clearing some mess. Me and my friend looked at each other confused. We were then denied entrance to our science class and shown to a new one. A wicked lady was in my new science class and as I came in she tripped me up causing me to twist my ankle. I had to go to the ground floor in the lift because I could no longer walk. When me and my friend reached the lift we realised that two of our friends were already in it so we went in with them. The lift went down fast to the bottom and open its door to a floor covered in corpses. We shut the door and pressed the alarm button and we got out of the lift in ten minutes.

I was dreaming I was in a class room full of strangers when I feel asleep. My dream was that the folks in the room all changed as their eyes went pitched black and their entire hands and up to about a quarters turned into gooey tentacles that infect you if you get wrapped up. When I woke up I was still in my dream as I woke up in the class and not my bed as I looked over and a few of my friends I knew where there and this one chick I didn't know but I couldn't stop looking at her.She had brown hair, the beautiful blues eyes, and a smile that could light a room. As the class went along I left a sense of déjà vu washing over me. As I looked over the mysterious chick had stood up and walked out of the class and I gave chase but the teacher had grabbed my arm asking where are you going. I said I was thirsty as I freed myself and gave chase. My friends in the room ran after me as I exited the room and ran down the hallway. At the end of the long hallway was the mysterious chick as she looked like was laughing and went into the next section of the school. This goes on for half the school until we reach the ramps outside of the library. I managed to grab her left arm as she gave a small chuckle and said "you caught me at last". As she turned around to look me face to face her eyes filled with fear as my friends slowly limped to us looking like they were in my dream in the class. A turned back to say something to the chick I was chasing but it was too late as she was the same and had me in an iron grip. My friends seemed to ignore the both of us as they entered the library.I tried to fear myself but every time I felt as my energy was drained away but weird thing is I felt a sense of peace and not fear. I looked at the mysterious chick once more thinking this was the end and her face went back to the way that were in class. I stared into her deep brown eyes and she smiled as she said "you chased after me and I don't plan on let you go", as I was engulfed completely and it was about that time I woke up in my bed in a cold sweat

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