I was part of the naval criminal investigative service team (from the tv show) and I worked a case with them. September 23, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
Dream: My New love in my life had the Dream.. He's 19, From Nigeria..and he's allowed himself to Love me like no one else I've ever known... Today he dreamed that he came to America, he got into a fight with my current spouse.. After the fight he saw me giving birth to 2 beautiful babies a boy name Mitchell & a girl name Michal, he said he then took me, the 2 new babies & my 2 daughters with him to Nigeria... While we were in Nigeria he saw me in a Red Gown.. He then saw My Pastor.. He said my Pastor called me & him on a Stage and said he wanted to reward us for being the Number one Givers Financially in ministry.. He gave us Rewards & he also said he had a Gift for us. Significant Life Events: Leaving a unhealthy relationship & embracing this new Love in my life. I have No Fears!! But I've been frustrated in this current marriage relationship Background: I'm 40. African American. I'm a Customer service Representative. I'm a Female Mental Illness Or Depression: No Location: I'm in America. I Indiana Feelings About People: With my current Spouse its awful.. I want to leave home immediately.. With the young man who had the dream I Love him very dearly.. My 2 Girls I Love them more than anything.. The 2 twin babies I don't know them... My Pastor is a very very special man to me Relationship Status: Married When And How Often: Thursday, May 12th. No not recurring dreamer47258 Dream Lover Posts: 1 Joined: May 12th, 2016, 11:50 am June 03, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
Appreciate your this specific post, it was worthwhile. downloaded 40D a while ago and also observed the way slow-moving every thing had been. in that case just now experienced cyberhawk tell me with regards to a software visiting us and also binged it (just kidding, i googled it) kservice and also kontiki... Have removed the particular essentially pointless 4oD that decided not to provide us whatever i needed to enjoy until i became spending money for it and after that experienced the particular oral cavity to be able to consistently operate and also suck up the memory! boo to be able to 4od Fake Ray Bans June 01, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I was at home clothes were everywhere when i washed them i didnot put them up, i got called upon to speak at a church so i tried to get ready , so i decided to wear one of my clergy robes to speak in but i couldnt find it so i had to search through a lot of clothes so when i found it it was very wrinkle so i got an iron to iron it but somehow the church people was there and telling me to come on so they can escort me to the pull pit so i got ready then one of the ladys picked up my book and bible but it was the wrong one but then i found it so i walked into the church there were hundreds of people there i stepped up on the potium and placed my bible and notebook there,so i was wating they were having some praise service i saw my pastor there smiling and watching me through the crowd,then i went to the back of the church in a room and took my clothes off and took a hot shower when they called me to speak i was just putting back on my clothes i couldnt put on my shoes so i went without them to speak on the way to the potium a lady ask me if i had on a dress up under my clery robe i said yes but as i looked down somehow i hjad on a pink bed gown on up under the clergy robe. so i proceeded to began to speak and someone took my bible and study paper i had to speak on, so they looked for it and found it when i began talking i was telling them about my daughter who is deceasd called me on the phone to tell me to get her check for her on friday and she will pick it up , i said ok then i said my daughter doesnt know shes dead she think shes still living, but i did talk to her. then i began to preach ,i told the micah at first then isiah it was so mixed up for me,so i began to speak about God gave isaiah a message for one of Gods servant and it was to give her a 119.00 so the servant said i dont want that i want 679.00 so then i began to speak on do you feel that sometimes things just are not working for you but ask God for more instead of using what you got. April 24, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I had to get food. There was a big circular tank and a strong metal fishing device for the tank. I drop it in to catch the shark that was in it. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't catch the shark. Then my dad had an idea to use our green van. He started driving only to fall down a hill onto a small beach filled with orange sand. I said we must leave the sand alone because it was rare. October 21, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt that I was leaving my house at night with my brother. The front yard was filled with frozen, yellow, very large pythons. After we made it to the parking area, the pythons began to unthaw and morph into white men. I told my brother we need to walk down the street as quickly as possible and not look back so they don't notice us. They followed us, and the vibe I got wasn't good. There was a service station on the left at the bottom of the street. We went inside and hid until they kept walking.Then I woke up. April 10, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt I hurt my knee, next minute I'm in a hospital with my dog and found out they drugged my dog and it was more of a mental hospital than normal one. My dog was drugged, and they took my mobile phone off of me and I had a tracker device March 11, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
The dream starts out in a little farm house. It’s in the middle of nowhere. In the living room, we are having a service. The lady who is singing looks like Tessa Greene. She goes into the bathroom for a few minutes, and when she comes out, she doesn’t sing for anyone except the man who is over this retreat center. I thought it was weird. She didn’t look any different, but her actions and everything were different. Taresia Ellis is on the phone with me and says she wants the lady who looks like Sister Greene to sing for her service. I said, “You’ll have to call her to be sure she’s available.” Taresia keeps saying she wants her to sing, and I keep saying she would have to call her to be sure she’s available. I can see Sister Greene at this point, and she doesn’t look like herself. We go outside, and it’s a beautiful day. It’s sunny and warm but not too hot. There is a tree in the side yard. It is a mature tree, so it has some nice shade to it. All of a sudden I see something flying over the house. It’s shooting out arrows. They are shaped like two triangles one inside the other. They are sharp arrows meant to kill. They are after me. I ran on the other side of the tree away from the house. I lay down on the ground in a prostrate position in order to try to fool the drones in to thinking I’m dead. They put down these arrows all in front of me. they almost hit my left hand, but I moved it to quickly. I realized they would know I was alive at that point. I got up and started to run. I went toward the tree, and I saw one coming down from the sky. I was able to step back, so it didn’t hit me. I was thankful the Lord let me see it before it hurt me. I asked the Lord to continue to let me see these things, so they don’t hurt me. I was not afraid, but I was concerned. I went up to the man and asked him, “Why are you trying to kill me?” he just smiled. He was an older man of average build, and he had white hair. I never got an answer from him. I walked away, but I was able to see another arrow come down almost in front of me, so I was able to step back before it hit me. March 02, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
Saw a saint and giving advice that have trust and cal almighty from heart, your wish fulfilled June 28, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis