Understand My Dreams

Dreams staircase

I was in a bathtub getting ready for an event, and my dog hiked his leg and urinated in my face, and grinned about it, I went to tell my husband, but I couldn't get his full attention, I go out the front door to speak with him and on the stairs he is sitting with his friends I've never seen before and they are all sitting two by two down the flight of stairs and I see my husband has a glass pipe and a torch lighter. I take them from him and take a hit, I remember a spearmint taste in my mouth and thinking that was odd then I pass it along to his friend at the top right of the staircase.

I was hanging out with friends in an airport that was completely empty except for our group. Then three of us decided to explore so we got into the elevator and Sage decided to go to the bottom (12th) floor. When we got down to the bottom floor the door opened, we stepped out, then the elevator fell out of the shaft and was dragged forward to a huge melting pot full of and surrounded by decrepit elevators. We started trying to find a place to get back to the higher levels but there were no working elevators and no stairs. Hunter started finding file pages of people, but we didn't really think them useful to the task at hand. I found a small office that had a laptop going playing music, there was a small staircase by it so we crawled up. The next level was similar to the bottom one but without the elevators. It still had no way out. It was on this floor we started finding similar file pages with the same form of the faces we had seen previously but demented and disfigured. The had been poisoned by radiation and become creatures of the night that would seek out human flesh. We started searching for an exit just as the creatures began to chase and attack us. Then I woke up.

Last night, I had the scariest dream I’ve ever had. I woke up crying and feeling super scared. In my dream, I was dead but I didn’t realize that I was dead, until the last part then I woke up. So here were just some parts that I remember clearly. What happened was that, it was like our class’ retreat. We were asked to enter a dark room and girls who were like spiritual advisers or something like that we’re in there. So we were asked to enter and approach a girl i guess, that would give us advice, spiritual guidance and things like that. But when I entered the room, this girl; one of the spiritual advisers, immediately approached me and grabbed my arm. Like she wasn’t looking at me, eyes closed and she just came towards me like i was some person she really felt something with and creepy things like that. But in my dream, she just made me sit beside her. I couldnt remember her telling me anything. Then it all got blurry and the next thing I remember was that we were being asked to evacuate a place. There were even some bouncers in the area trying to get us out… So I left and I was going down a dark staircase. It wasn’t totally dark, like there was a light bulb at the bottom of the stairs but it was flickering so… yeah. and while I was going down the stairs, a classmate of mine ( i think or maybe a friend, im not really sure. but the setting I remember was that I was in a retreat with my classmates so I think it was one of my classmates, im not sure who) held my hand. Our fingers interlocked going down the stairs ‘cause we were both scared. Reaching the bottom stairs was another staircase going up. lol. yeah I dont get it either. All I remember was we were going down a staircase then another staircase leading up. So we went up and we we’re like in a dorm. In my dream, I know it was our dorm. So we tried climbing up to room after room, then I noticed one of our teachers was in the building. I told my classmate that she was there and we tried hiding, which surprisingly, though I am sure that she could have seen me already, she didnt. Then when my classmate and I reached our own room… i realized that she wasnt only a classmate, she was also my ‘roommate’ in that dorm. So yeah, we reached our room. It was all white, wooden floors, double bed on the side and a big mirror on the wall. and in the reflection on the mirror, I saw my roommate and myself like my other self, lying on the floor, dead. Like, the room was empty. I just saw our dead selves on the reflection. And so like I got really scared and I was like wtf whats happening, shit maybe that’s why that spiritual girl approached me or something and maybe thats why my teacher didnt see me earlier, because I was already dead. So in my dream, I was only ghost. I didnt really realized that I was already dead until I got to see my dead body in the reflection on the mirror. Then I got crazyscared and woke up, crying. As I’ve said, I’ve dreamt of other people dying in my dreams, I’ve never dreamt of anyone dead already appearing in my dreams, and it was my first time to dream of myself dead so i was scared as shit. I googled that when you see yourself dead or dying in a dream, it usually is a good sign like you’re changing and your oldself is dying or something like that but I dont really know what’s with the roomate dying too and the ghost and why i didnt realize that i was only ghost. This has been bothering me all day and I really hope someone could interpret this crazy dream of mine.

The room is in a large historical grand basilica style building. The room has huge columns holding up high cathedral domed ceilings. The room has no furniture. The room’s only natural light source came in through many windows and open doorways to semi-dimly light the room. I was being judged unfairly because the 3 white people did not give me a chance to defend myself to the 1 white person they were speaking to. It’s daytime, I entered a room and see 3 casually dressed white people (1 female, 2 males) I did not recognize life in real but supposedly knew in the dream. In the dream, the 3 white people knew me. The 2 (1 female, 1 male) of the 3 white people were standing talking negatively about me as if they were trying to discredit me unfairly (because I was not given a chance to understand what is being said against me and not given a chance to defend myself) to another white person (1 male who he did not know me and seemed neutral) who is dressed in a standard government military attire. He is a person having authority (but acted as an ambassador or a guide in his position). I felt the need to be given a chance to be heard and to be understood instead of left to feel wrongfully accused of something I was not even given a chance to understand in this dream to have caused the 2 white people not to like me. In frustration to understand the situation and resolve it, I attempted to approach the group of white people. I am outside in the desert standing in a crowd of white people during the day. The entire nation is in danger and all people are trying to escape. I am in the crowd trying to investigate what is causing the danger and to try to find out why everyone are rushing and panicking to leave and where. Massive amounts of white people rushing to secure a spot in any of the two separate lines to enter checkpoint to the departure gateways. Looking up from below a nearby staircase, I again see 2 of the white people who do not like me. The 2 white people look at me (It was at this point in the dream I realized in real that I’ve been involved in a series of this particular dream. They urgently followed the white person with authority who led them to walk through a solid rock wall similar to the Jerusalem walls. Their bodies passed through a solid rock wall. I later discover the wall is separated in 4 consecutive sections and appear to be solid rock. However, each block is embossed with an arched border framing a secret portal. The portals are not obvious because there were no visible physical door to open. I ran up the top ridge of an inclined wall where there was a wide (about 10 foot wide), flat, and clean path with a clean brushed steel railing I did not use along the path. When I arrived at my destination, I rushed up to the 1st solid rock portal I saw from my left standing in front of me. Without doubt and without hesitation, I easily walked through the solid rock wall with confidence and urgency to seek for answers and explore. The experience if walking through solid wall was the same as walking without obstruction. In my urgency to enter, I was able to glimpse a posted note written on a blue lined white paper like a piece of paper torn from spiral bounded notebook. The note was pinned on the rock wall with a red push pin tack. The note stated that particular portal next departure will leave at 10:31. The note was clearly understood by me that whoever enters this particular portal would have to wait until being transported from inside the portal. Within the few seconds that I spent inside the portal, I realized the size inside the portal was more of a comfortable pod size. I understood the portal holding morphs into a comfortable standing space of the passenger. From within this portal, I understood the portal is meant to transport 1 person at a time to a destination away from Earth –a destination that is at least neutral or safer than the definite annihilation of good humanity that will happen for those who stay behind who will be devoured by evil conquest. I quickly decided to leave this particular portal to try to enter any of the other 3 portals that have no delays in transport because I was eager to investigate the situation and also try to find out where the 2 white people went with that 1 white person who appeared to have authority. I walked out of the initial portal of the solid rock wall. I was going to enter the portal right next to it (the 2nd from my left facing the rock wall), but I thought there is a higher chance someone is already in it, so I chose to try to enter the 3rd portal door from my left which was a few more steps away and because of this reason could have a higher chance of it being unoccupied. I rushed toward it but just as I was about to enter, I woke up in real life.

I was in a bathtub getting ready for an event, and my dog hiked his leg and urinated in my face, I went to tell my husband, but I couldn't get his full attention, I go out the front door to speak with him and on the stairs he is sitting with his friends i've never seen before and they are all sitting two by two down the flight of stairs and I see my husband has a glass pipe and a torch lighter. I take them from him and take a hit, I remember a spirament taste in my mouth and thinking that was odd then I pass it along to his friend at the top right of the staircase.

Marlene an old childhood friend came to visit. For some reason though, I was ignored by all of them, even Marlene who came to visit me. At some point my parents had to kill about four people, so they did. And I was just standing around going "Do I call the police or?" - Marlene took me out to the woods while my parents where digging graves and we found a huge hole in the ground. We went down it to discover stairs and a animalish family (I think they were rats? wut) We went back up and that was when I had to go to my old school for some graduation thing, I went there but was still ignored by everyone and I was still wondering wether I should call the police. I tried talking to some of the people but I was scoffed at mostly so I sat on the staircase waiting for the whole graduation thing to begin, an elderly overweight woman looked at me and began singing a familiar tune while is walked away. I got up and went to the graduation, sat at one of the tables alone, like people where three seats away from me from all angles.

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