Understand My Dreams

Dreams socks

Grandfather was ill and died. grandmother became sad and died two days later. Several moments started to argue with my uncle.It became violent and started to swing at eachother with machetes. I asked him to fight a hand to hand combat and he threw his knife far away I threw mine nearby. When we statrted to fight I thought to myself I have to kill him before he kills me. I swung the machete at him and cut him until I killed him. Then I ran away. But I ran into my bother I told him I wanted to turn myself in and he said no his sons will kill you. You better just run away. So he went into the house to get my things for me, 3 shirts, 3 pants, 3 underwear, 3 pairs of socks. I felt fear.

Eating dinner with my boyfriend and his motorcycle gang and a girl started firting with him. I got jealous and he embarrassed me so I left. One of his good friends consoled me. I went to the bathroom and my aunt and cousin were in there. Cousin left out of the window. I big guy came in looking for his girlfriend the one that was flirting with my boyfriend . A fight insued I got punched and my boyfriend rescued me. I went up to his room and he was laying on the couch naked with purple socks on.

I was sitting in the bleachers in a packed high school gym. There was a line through the middle of the gym made up of all males I including my boyfriend , my ex, and many others I dont know. All of us in the bleachers were fully dressed. I was sitting with my mom whom I am close with and my roommate. The males in the middle were wearing only t shirts and socks as if it was the most normal thing in the world and no one in the audience thought it was strange either. However, my boyfriend was comparing himself to the other males in line and getting more and more confident. I was also comparing him to the other males in line and feeling very proud of him. I told mom and roomie to look because I wanted them to be proud too. I know it seems like it but this dream was not sexual.

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