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Dreams sigh

Found 193 dreams containing sigh - Page 8

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

I was at the beach with my mother looking at the ocean from a mountain of sand. There was a guy running after his dog on the shore from left to right of our sight. Some minutes later we see the guy and the dog running and escaping from right to left on the shore with a crocodile behind chasing them. The crocodile gets bigger and bigger and stands up in two legs and becomes an enormous beast. My mom and I start running away but the huge crocodile gets me and eats me while my mom escapes

The past few nights ive been having an on going dream.. And i need some insight on what it might be telling me. Basically. I was out partying down in bricktown, bar hopping. I appernitly! I ran into Logan's little brother Ryan at one of the bars. So he was 21 by then.. I was to drunk too drive. Ryan was in town was staying at a hotel and told me I could bunk with him for the night. So he texted logan like it was me. He was fine with it. I think you were in town and the kids were out staying with friends or something so logan was doing whatever he was doing. My dream was so detailed it felt real. Well. I guess ryan wanted too keep an eye on me so i sobered up a bit and we drank together and chilled. Well at the end of my dream things became a blur.. Right before i woke up.. I woke up in my dream naked.. And when I woke ryan was in a towel fresh out of the shower saying. I think we should talk.. And i woke up.

The dream began with me sitting in my class listening to the professor’s lecture. It was the last class of the day and everybody was tired. At last, it was time for the class to finish but the professor kept teaching. When my classmate told the professor that it was time for the class to finish, he turned around and said rudely that he knows when to finish teaching and also we shouldn’t bother him with it. After teaching for another five minutes he left the class, and everybody hurried outside as it was time for busses to leave. I ran to my locker as I didn’t want to miss my bus. Since the locker was far away from my class, it took me time to reach there. There was a lot of hustle bustle around as everybody was rushing. I stuffed all the papers from my locker in my bag as I was in hurry. But when I turned around there was nobody in sight. The school was empty and there was dead silence. I was scared because just a moment ago there were so many students around. However I gathered up all mu courage and went outside. I saw a bus in the parking lot but nobody was sitting inside. Thinking that it was the school bus I sat in it. Soon I realized that it wasn’t the school bus but it was too late. The bus took me to a place which was very dark and misty. I got down and started crying, suddenly somebody tapped on my shoulder and called my name. I woke up abruptly realizing that I had been daydreaming during my history class and my friend was tapping on my shoulder trying to wake me up. Feelings:

I was being drove around on a long highway by a man, his face didn't look familiar in my walking life but I have seen him in past dreams. We drove for awhile longer and he pulled into a parking lot that was surrounding a building built of bricks. We walked around when we where abruptly grabbed and shoved into the building. We stood there as a group of people shoved us down the hall into a smaller room filled with more people. They left me and this man who I seemed to be attached to emotionally in the dream. We sat down and he held me close to him making sure no harm would be done by our capturers. I noticed a man behind a desk holding a gun and flipping through a paper loudly I watched him carefully as I slowly made my way up to the desk. I smacked his hand flipping the gun and catching it and clutched it with my hands. I backed up and pulled the man I was there with up and proceeded to walk backwards to the door but before I could get any further, the man from behind the desk grabbed a different gun and shot me with it (it was a tranquillizer) I fell to the ground. The man who was with me quickly ran to my aid as I laid there he pressed his cold hand to the side of my cheek and held up my head and whispered to me about how everything would be ok, before I could smile up to him I blacked out. When I awoke the man who shot me seemed angry with me. He made it clear that he must teach me a lesson for trying to leave. He grabbed my arm and drug me to this room where there was a large white sheet hanging from the ceiling. He grabbed the sheet and pulled it down, there in a small wooden chair sat the man who I was there with. His eyes looked as though the skin on top had been rubbed raw and it was bleeding profusely and it was just a horrifying scene. I screamed his name (which I don't remember what his name was just that I yelled it) He quickly opened his eyes and this was the first time in my dream I had noticed them they where the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Everything around the eye itself was a bloody raw mess of flesh, but the eye was a faint silver tinted blue with a darker blue ring around the outside of them. The sight of them made my dream self shake, the then man who was standing next to me shoved me next to man sitting in the chair. I looked at him as he stared blankly at me. I felt tears fall from my eyes as I whispered how much I loved this man and that I will get us out of this. He faintly smiled and then I noticed a small razor in his mouth, that had cut it up pretty badly. I stuck my fingers in to grab the blade before he could swallow it and after I grabbed the blade his mouth started pouring blood. I kissed the man on the lips as the blood poured from his to mine, I grew angry at the agony they put this man who I seemed to love through all this torcher and pain. I noticed a bucket of tools and grabbed a crow bar and followed some of the people who did this to him down into the basement. I proceeded to smash there heads in with the bar as I screamed how does it feel?! After I had obliterated everyone I walked back up the stairs to see the man who I loved all better, his eyes where completely healed. His hair was shiny and long, his beard was neatly in order and his eyes glowing. He ran to me and held me close to him and placed his forehead on mine and fluttered his eyes so I could feel his eyelashes on my skin. He kissed me slightly and then held me close and told me he would never let me go and I looked into his eyes and woke up.

I'm an apartment, DF's apartment, my recent stepfather. This is nothing like his actual house however, though I wasn't thinking like that at the time. The colors of the house are pale, boring, light grey, white, and a shade of tan that barely makes it any brighter. Directly to my left is a large, hardwood table, seen through a pale lens of colorlessness. Farther forward of that it a kitchen, with marble tops and light grey counters, still no contrast or brightness. To my right, and slightly forward is a living room. The wraparound couch is pale tan, badly accentuated with white and light grey pillows. I take a few steps into the living room, and soft plush meets my toes. Looking down, there is light grey fluffy carpet in between my feet. A foggy glass sliding door at the end of the living room. I sense rather than feel the other people in the house. DF, my stepdad, MOM, my mother (Who else?), and my stepbrother, CC. The rest of my immediate family is nowhere to be found, but my thoughts barely brush upon this subject without any feeling of alarm or surprise. Scene change. I'm outside. The sky is a bright blue and the grass is so light it almost looks like frosting. The fence is a wooden color, pale by any normal standards, but neon in comparison to the inside of this house. Our house/apartment rests on the side of a hill, and I see thousands more of the houses spread around us. The hill is alarming steep. A fence surrounds our house except for a small break in the back right corner. Accompanied by neighborhood kids and my brother, CC, I run towards the exit, looking for something adventurous. The rest is a joyful and exciting blur of running around the hillside, and finding an odd stairway that circles downwards. The end of the 'hill' is actually a small hang over, and the staircase is a circular structure leading to a raised concrete wall with a little over a foot of space under it. I remember running down these stairs, feet hitting it and making a loud ringing sound due to the metal structure, even with the actual steps being made of concrete. I remember worming under the wall with someone, hiding and trying to muffle my laughter and quick breathing. Later, I return home, the night sky looking purple, with amazing white lights of a variety of sizes glinting down on use like a cartoon sky. Scene change. I'm farther into the living room now, and it's later in the day, according to the sunlight streaming through the glass door. No one is here with me anymore, except KC sitting on the pale couch. She's doing something. It feels like she's watching a movie or playing a game, but I can't see what she's watching or playing. Odd. I ask her where my phone is, and she turns her head to me quickly before turning it back, light hair flying wildly, emphasizing her youth. She directs me to the kitchen, but doesn't know for sure. I walk into the kitchen, The floor is a pale marbled tile, pale cabinets with stone tops. Every piece of kitchenware is hidden from sight, very unusual for our house. You would see a cast iron tool at the very least sitting on the stove, but none of the usual tools are sitting on the counters. I look around me, not seeing it on the gleaming counter tops. Somehow I determine that the last place I had it was outside. I head out with a cell phone, calling my own phone. I kneel down to use gravity to my advantage, sliding down the steep hill speedily, heading towards the stairway. I run down the stairs in a similar manner that I did the night before, but stop halfway, looking down at the dirty patch of grass on the other side of the wall. I don't see a ringing phone, and am about to leave, but I do see something. A black flip phone with an orange back sits there open. I get halfway through a thought, "MY PHONE IS PURPLE, THAT'S NOT---" but the dream takes over, and I can feel half of myself getting excited and running for the phone. I crawl under the wall, my small chest rubbing on the concrete floor and my back rubbing on the thick wall above me. Anxiously, i hurry over to the other side and pick up the phone, still on my stomach. It's not ringing, and the thought finally gets through to me that that was never my phone to begin with. Suddenly, I'm aware of something vibrating in my hand. I look down to the hand that was holding the phone I was calling myself with. Amazingly, I was holding my familiar purple phone.

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